
Permanent URI for this communityhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118

∥ 系所沿革

在全球化潮流下,國際人力資源的發展更趨重要。相對地,國際人力資源專業工作者的培育需求也必然更顯迫切。在此背景下,國立臺灣師範大學「國際人力教育與發展研究所」(Graduate Institute of International Workforce Education and Development, IWED)於民國九十二年(九十二學年度)成立,隸屬於科技學院;於民國九十八年(九十八學年度)更名為「國際人力資源發展研究所」(Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Development, IHRD),並改隸國際與僑教學院。民國一百零三年(壹零三學年度),國際與僑教學院與社會科學院合併後更名為國際與社會科學院。

∥ 系所特色

本所成立於民國九十二年,為全國第一所採用全英語授課,並同時招收本國籍與國際學生的系所。以培育國際企業、各國政府機構及國際性非營利組織人力資源規劃與管理專業人才為目標。本所的成立及發展正是反映前述時勢所趨,希望成為引領此領域之先驅,提供學生發展成為國際化人力資源專業人才的基礎和專業課程,以培養其具備進入全球化職場的素養和關鍵知能,學生在畢業後授予管理學碩士學位(MBA Degree)。

本國學生的招生方式包含推薦甄選及碩士一般生考試,考試科目為「管理學」和「英文」;國際學生的招生方式為申請入學和僑生海外聯招。國際化是我們的一大特色,除了師大的學習環境之外,本所與美國伊利諾大學香檳分校University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC)長期學術合作,學生在完成課程且通過甄選後,可申請赴UIUC擔任訪問學生,提供學生多元學習的環境與機會。

∥ 本系教育目標



∥ 歷屆學生來源


∥ 學生未來出路



∥ 師資

目前本所的師資係結合了六位本所專任教師,以及多位兼任教師共同投入及組成本所堅強優秀教學陣容,每一位教師皆擁有國內外著名大學博士學位,不但能以英語授課,學術涵養亦十分深厚。未來將持續努力透過傅爾布萊特獎助(Fulbright Grant)計畫與本校學術交流交換等管道,禮聘客座教授或交換教授於本所任教。


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 127
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    Factors Related to Managerial Competence - A Study Based on Managerial Assessment of Proficiency (MAP)
    (2009) 廖慧萍; Hui-Ping Liao
    In this competitive and variable business environment, managers have to build up some critical abilities to establish their own competitive advantages. Since numerous perspectives take managerial competence as a critical factor in organizational development, it becomes an important issue to assess and train the abilities. Managerial Assessment of Proficiency (MAP), one of the most prominent competence assessment tools, is used by over 100 thousand people in the world. The high rate of implementation in the business environment is the motivation to take the method as research model. Accordingly, this research served for several purposes. First was to understand measures for managerial competence in the literature. Second was to examine the reliability and validity of MAP. Thirdly, some demographic and contextual factors may relate to managerial competence. Based on the database of MAP, the researcher identified the relationship of these variables. This study utilized the quantitative method to investigate the above questions. To realize the reliability, this research analyzed Cronbach’s alpha of MAP which was equal to .733. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was for examining the validity of MAP. Because the result showed some items of the t values of administrative and cognitive ability were smaller than 1.96, this study merely adopted communication and supervisory ability to examine the relationship between managerial competence, demographic and contextual factors. The outcome indicated only gender and educational level had significantly relationship. Finally, conclusions and recommendations were provided based on research findings.
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    Evaluate Innovation Competency Factors on Microsoft Taiwan-Innovation in Process, Organization and Technology (IPOT)
    (2009) 曾德倫; Deh-Lun Tzeng
    Innovative human resources (HR) have already become the most precious asset in the era of knowledge economy and the major sources of competitive advantage for maximizing profits. Meanwhile, in the era of globalization, recruiting the best human resources capital worldwide has already become the essential mean for enhancing firm’s innovation competency and profit maximization. However, how firms’ innovation competency can be impact by human resources has seldom been studied. Based on van der Panne’s framework, this study replaced the product-related factors with human-related factors. The IPOT model was developed by Shih& Tzeng. The empirical results showed three major important findings. First, most of the factors in the framework had positive influential power over a firm’s innovation competency to produce successful products or services. Major findings showed that, first, in order to improve the innovation competency, Microsoft Taiwan should recruit young and local employees to avoid from the group thinking problem. Good internal communication was very important for improving Microsoft Taiwan’s innovation competency. Second, Microsoft Taiwan should provide good internal communication channels and opportunities for its department managers. Third, compared with other companies, Microsoft Taiwan went through rigorous risk management; hence, it reduced the cost of project failure and achieved its innovation competency. Forth, the human resource department should emphasize more on the job content and profession fitness for employees. By fulfilling employees’ expectation for the job content, their willingness to cooperate in team was also improved. Fifth, factors that reinforce the market leadership of Microsoft Taiwan and to its successful innovation competency were: market research, quick response to the market change, and on time services.
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    The Considerations of Localization of Management for Foreign Enterprises in China
    (2008) 謝俊光; PAUL SHIEH
    To explore the Chinese market requires an in-depth understanding and examination of the local management barriers and deeper understanding of the considerations which would serve to guide the foreign companies. This is a very challenging task which requires understanding of the historical context and the thinking of the people. China is a population powerhouse and very emerging market with very complex network of controls and management skills which determine the success of the management in the Chinese grounds and market. This study seeks to investigate the importance and considerations on localization of management of foreign enterprises investing in China. It also seeks to examine the significance of cultural values on management systems in China. In collecting data the researcher used mainly qualitative methods. The bulk of the data came from secondary sources. In depth interviews were also used in collecting data. The literature reviewed attempted to set a conceptual framework for the understanding of the topic. Content analysis was used for the analysis of data. The analysis of the findings revealed that foreign companies that used local management stand better chances of success and cultural values also play a very significant role in determining the policy formulations. The conclusion noted that the consideration of values plays a significant role in determining the success of foreign firms. The study recommended the effective use of local people who have broad knowledge about the values of the country.
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    Cultural Differences influencing Communication Problems between Taiwanese Employees and Japanese Expatriates
    (2006) 中道惠里; Eri Nakamichi
    ABSTRACT While much attention in recent years has been focused on the communication problems between Japanese expatriates and local staffs in many countries, little research has been conducted on the communication problems between Japanese and Taiwanese employees. In this study, the communication problems of Japanese expatriates in Taiwan were examined. Twenty cultural differences between Japanese and local staffs derived from literature reviews were used to examine cultural differences influence on communication problems between Japanese and Taiwanese. To identify which cultural difference cause communication problems among these 20 differences in more details, an interview survey to Japanese expatriates in Taiwan was conducted. As the result of the interview survey, it was revealed that Japanese tend to feel communication problems with the cultural difference of job implementation, such as, the way of report, the way of suggestion, the way of looking for the cause of the troubles, the way of taking responsibilities, and the way of excuse. On the contrary, Japanese do not tend to feel communication problems with the difference of language, such as, polite expression, term of respect, and tone, do not influence on the cultural differences. This study is important practically in that it identifies cultural differences that may improve expatriates performance. Furthermore, the research findings are relevant to Taiwanese and Japanese multinational employees who seek to sustain a competitive advantage through successful expatriate program.
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    (2006) 青柳香; Kaori Aoyagi
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    (2006) 蕭百容; Portia Xiao
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    (2007) 陳瓊玫
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    Problems and Solutions in Applying Assessment Center Methods in Taiwan
    (2005) 陳昱蓉; Yu-Rong Chen
    Assessment center method (ACM) is an ever more complete and appropriate method with respect to human resource practice in this ever changing, global and technologically demanding business environment. However, the operation of ACM is relatively preliminary due to different business environments in Taiwan. Thus, the study was aimed to explore the current situation of applying ACM in Taiwan, to investigate the problems of implementation, to construct a comprehensive strategy to solve these problems and to provide the concrete conclusions and suggestions to practitioners and further studies. By using qualitative research method with multiple cases, the main problems of applying ACM on Taiwan found in this study were: (1) All aspects during application can not be ignored (2) Managerial capabilities need to be enhanced (3) Never think assessment center as ‘panacea’ (4)Effective assessment center in Taiwan has not been built. In addition, comprehensive solutions to cope with these problems concluded in this study were (1) Seek for support from executives (2) Make the purpose of application clear (3) Establish the system of assessment (4) Select suitable assessment center for your own company (5) Provide Training after assessment (6) Develop and modify materials during a period of time (7) Offer subsequent measures to leverage the assessment center.
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    (2005) 張可翰; Koko Chang
    In the process of multinational corporations (MNCs) operation and development, the top HR manager takes a great responsibility of assisting the corporation to establish organization abroad, and manage the global workforce and international human resource practices. For understanding the competencies of the top HR manager in MNCs, researcher reviewed the related literature for understanding the background of the research and developing the research purposes that generalized from the problems. The study adopted the multiple cases of qualitative methods and in-depth interview method, researcher tried to find the appropriate interview subject and developed the interview instrument for implementing the interview. The interview content and information were arranged, analyzed and discussed after each interview. The major findings in the study are present as below: 1. The practices of top HR manager in MNCs are generalized into 6 categories those are Strategic Partners, Administrative Experts, Employee Champions, Change Agents, Coach and Coordinator. 2. The competencies for top human resource manager in a MNC arranged and coded form interview transcription are generalized into 3 categories those are (1) Strategic thinking which include Business planning involvement, Human resource practice Alignment, Consultation providing, Organization diagnoses, Human resource planning, Competency need assessment. (2) Operational abilities which include Communication, Flexibility,Knowledge, Experience, Leadership, Learning ability. (3) Personal trait which include Enthusiastic, Aggressive, Reliable, Self-control and Creativity.
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    (2005) 吳淑鈴; Shu-Ling Wu
    This study investigated the relationships among adversity quotient, emotional intelligence and job performance of salespeople using quantitative method. It was hypothesized that there were relationships between adversity quotient and job performance, emotional intelligence and job performance and adversity quotient and emotional intelligence. In addition, it was hypothesized that adversity quotient and emotional intelligence have influence on job performance. The results showed that these hypotheses were supported. Besides, the correlations between adversity quotient and job performance, emotional intelligence and job performance and adversity quotient and emotional intelligence were positive. In addition, regression analysis showed that adversity quotient plus emotional intelligence can explain above fifty percent of job performance. Implications of these results were discussed, as were suggestions for management practice and directions for future research.