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    (2008) 陳秀斐; Hsiu-Fei Chen
    就長期來看,台灣的金控業勢必會繼續進行版圖的整併與競爭,各金控公司莫不頭角崢嶸,朝向金控王國的寶座去發展,在不斷的整併過程中,除了呈現「大者恆大」、「異業整合需求高」等競爭態勢以外,金控公司莫不高呼:「人才至上」,積極完成人員整合,並展開留才大作戰。而隨著金融業競爭的白熱化,如何能在關鍵時刻掌握關鍵人才,必然是最後勝出的贏家策略! 本研究採個案研究法,以元大金控集團旗下之證券子公司-元大證券總公司之關鍵人才為研究對象,透過訪談,除了探討個案公司在購併過程,影響關鍵人才留任意願的主要因素外,同時瞭解關鍵人才於組織購併前後,對於人力資源部門,推動之各項留才策略的知覺,以檢視人力資源部門留才策略推動效益。研究過程並同步發放問卷,以了解個案公司關鍵人才對工作要項之重視程度及滿意程度,藉由研究發現,提供個案公司做為未來人力資源管理留才策略規劃或修正之參考與建議。 研究者經由訪談及彙整問卷調查資料加以分析後,提出下列發現及建議: 一、影響個案公司關鍵人才留任意願之主要因素包括: (一)企業形象 (二)公司未來發展性 (三)企業文化 (四)教育訓練及學習環境 (五)同事情誼及工作氛圍 二、關鍵人才感受到的留才策略包括三大面向: (一)公司經營策略 (二)薪酬福利策略 (三)訓練發展策略 三、研究者將問卷調查資料,藉由Martilla及James(1977)重要-表現程度分析(Importance-Performance Analysis, IPA)法,發現落於「焦點區域」之項目:「工作內容具挑戰性及成就感」、「升遷發展機會」及「薪資報酬與員工福利」,並針對此部份提出相關建議,提供個案公司做未來規劃與改善留才策略之參考。
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    A Research of Taiwan Financial Holding Group After Merger Key Talent Retaining Importance and Satisfaction: A Case of Under Finance Holding
    (2009-08-28) Chin-Cheh Yi; Hsiu-Fei Chen; Li-Chun Hsu; Pei-Wen Liao
    The financial industry in Taiwan must continually reinvent itself in order to better compete with others. Every financial holding corporation has to become more proactive towards the goal of being No.1 in this industry. In the process of reorganization, the competition environment is expected to be along the lines of “The big is always big” and “Necessity of integration between different industries is high”. Following these concepts, the financial holding corporation should be focusing on “talent”, with emphasis on personnel integration and continuous training. With the competition in the finance industry becoming so intense, being able to command and maintain a core pool of invaluable human resources will be the strategic key to the final victory. This thesis adopts the method of questionnaire survey and takes the subsidiary of a financial holding company as a research subject. In the course of this research, we also provided a questionnaire to understand the attitude and satisfaction level the talents have for the job. Through this research, we will be able to provide the subject company recommendations for retaining their talent in the company. This research uses the Importance-Performance Analysis to process quantitative data. We found that the items that are located in the focus areas include “the job is full of challenge and fulfillment”, “the opportunity for promotion”, and “employee welfare and payment”. We provided some recommendations based on these parts to the subject company for reference.