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    H-inf. tracking-based sliding mode control for uncertain nonlinear systems via an adaptive fuzzy-neural approach
    (IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, 2002-08-01) W.-Y. Wang; M.-L. Chan; C.-C. James Hsu; T.-T. Lee
    A novel adaptive fuzzy-neural sliding-mode controller with H∞ tracking performance for uncertain nonlinear systems is proposed to attenuate the effects caused by unmodeled dynamics, disturbances and approximate errors. Because of the advantages of fuzzy-neural systems, which can uniformly approximate nonlinear continuous functions to arbitrary accuracy, adaptive fuzzy-neural control theory is then employed to derive the update laws for approximating the uncertain nonlinear functions of the dynamical system. Furthermore, the H∞ tracking design technique and the sliding-mode control method are incorporated into the adaptive fuzzy-neural control scheme so that the derived controller is robust with respect to unmodeled dynamics, disturbances and approximate errors. Compared with conventional methods, the proposed approach not only assures closed-loop stability, but also guarantees an H∞ tracking performance for the overall system based on a much relaxed assumption without prior knowledge on the upper bound of the lumped uncertainties. Simulation results have demonstrated that the effect of the lumped uncertainties on tracking error is efficiently attenuated, and chattering of the control input is significantly reduced by using the proposed approach
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    Robust Adaptive Controller Design for a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems Using Online T–S Fuzzy-Neural Modeling Approach
    (IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, 2011-04-01) Y.-H. Chien; W.-Y. Wang; Y.-G. Leu; T.-T. Lee
    This paper proposes a novel method of online modeling and control via the Takagi–Sugeno (T–S) fuzzy-neural model for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with some kinds of outputs. Although studies about adaptive T–S fuzzy-neural controllers have been made on some nonaffine nonlinear systems, little is known about the more complicated uncertain nonlinear systems. Because the nonlinear functions of the systems are uncertain, traditional T–S fuzzy control methods can model and control them only with great difficulty, if at all. Instead of modeling these uncertain functions directly, we propose that a T–S fuzzy-neural model approximates a so-called virtual linearized system (VLS) of the system, which includes modeling errors and external disturbances. We also propose an online identification algorithm for the VLS and put significant emphasis on robust tracking controller design using an adaptive scheme for the uncertain systems. Moreover, the stability of the closed-loop systems is proven by using strictly positive real Lyapunov theory. The proposed overall scheme guarantees that the outputs of the closed-loop systems asymptotically track the desired output trajectories. To illustrate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed method, simulation results are given in this paper
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    Hybrid Intelligent Output-Feedback Control for Trajectory Tracking of Uncertain Nonlinear Multivariable Dynamical Systems
    (中華民國模糊學會, 2012-03-01) Y.-H. Chien; W.-Y. Wng; I-H. Li; K.-Y. Lian; T.-T. Lee
    Output-feedback control for trajectory tracking is an important research topic of various engineering systems. In this paper, a novel online hybrid direct/indirect adaptive Petri fuzzy neural network (PFNN) controller with stare observer for uncertain nonlinear multivariable dynamical systems using generalized projection-update laws is presented. This new approach consists of control objectives determination, approximator configuration design, system dynamics modeling, online control algorithm development, and system stability analysis. According to the importance and viability of plant knowledge and control knowledge, a weighting factor is utilized to sum together the direct and indirect adaptive PFNN controllers. Therefore, the controller design methodology is more flexible during the design process. Besides, an improved generalized projection-update law is utilized to tune the adjustable parameters to prevent parameter drift. To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed online hybrid PFNN controller and observer-design methodology, numerical simulation results for inverted pendulum systems and rigid robot manipulators are given in this paper.