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    (2011) 潘冠佑; Guan-You Pan
    本論文主要目的在於設計一具有避障功能之自走車,文中所使用模糊量測方法搭配移動式自走車(Pioneer 3-DX)改善超音波感測器不準確的特性,將超音波感測器做為模糊量測系統的輸入,做閃避障礙物判斷的依據,讓自走車在未知空間中進行閃避障礙物與沿牆行走等功能,將自走車的行走路徑紀錄起來,並且使用超音波感測器對自走車移動時所經過的環境做建構。論文中使用 Visual Studio OPEN GL 撰寫模擬程式,在模擬中行走於方形與圓形等未知環境,佐證模糊量測理論使用於自走車上實行閃避障礙物的可行性,並比較未加上模糊量測時自走車的行走狀況,最後以實作的方式,驗證模糊量測理論運用在自走車上的行走效能,在有加上模糊量測理論的路徑會比未加上模糊量測理論時更加穩定。
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    Fuzzy measure based mobile robot controller for autonomous movement control
    (2011-06-10) G.-Y. Pan; C.-P. Tsai; M.-C. Chen; W.-Y. Wang; C.-R. Tsai
    This paper proposes a novel fuzzy measure based mobile robot controller design method. We apply this method in a simulation where the movement of a mobile robot along a wall is governed by this controller. The ultrasonic range finder sensors onboard the mobile robot are used to measure the distance between the robot and the wall. The measurement results are recorded as fuzzy measure inputs and the results of the fuzzy measure are used to control the movement of the mobile robot along the wall. Our simulations compare the movements of the mobile robot with and without the fuzzy measure controller. The simulation results show that the mobile robot using the fuzzy measure controller exhibits a more controlled movement behavior than that using a controller without fuzzy measure.