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    (2012) 蔡宗翰; Zong-Han Cai
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    (行政院國家科學委員會, 2011-07-31) 許陳鑑
    本計畫擬建置一台以可程式規劃系統晶片(System On Program Chip, SOPC)為基礎,具備 影像物體追蹤(object tracking)、影像式定位(image-based localization)、以及避障功能 (obstacle avoidance)之全方位移動式機器人。作法上係以單一CCD 作傾斜式之攝影(tilt photographing),據以發展出多種以傾斜式攝影為基礎之影像式距離及角度量測系統,藉 由與物體追蹤技術相結合,達到對於目標物之定位(localization),並將相關演算法實現 在可程式規劃系統晶片(System On Program Chip, SOPC)上,達到以SOC 晶片系統即時 處理及控制移動式機器人的目的。三年期之計畫共包含5 個研究子題,分別是:(1)全方 位機器人系統架構與建置,(2) 混合型物體影像追蹤系統,(3)影像式物體定位系統,(4) 模糊避障系統,以及(5) SOPC 系統之實現。 機器人系統架構上,本計畫擬設計一台具有全方位移動能力之機器人,視覺系統則 僅配置單一CCD 作傾斜式攝影,作為影像式距離量測、影像物體追蹤、以及影像式物 體定位等相關系統之基礎;機器人的週邊則配置有超音波感測器、紅外線感測器,利用 多重感測器資料融合技術,建立機器人之模糊避障(fuzzy obstacle avidance)功能。在影像 物體追蹤方面,本計畫擬以粒子濾波器演算法(particle filter, PF)、粒子群最佳化法(particle swarm optimization, PSO),以及單體搜尋法(Nelder-Mead Simplex Search Method, NM)為 基礎,擷取其長處予以整合,開發兩種混合型(Hybrid)目標物體追蹤法,配合特徵為基 礎之物體辨識技術(feature-based methods for object recognition),快速偵測目標物體,再 輔以所開發出來之多種影像式物體定位系統,以獲取所偵測到的目標物體相對於量測系 統的座標位置。在機器人避障系統方面,本計畫擬設計一模糊系統,將多種感測器資訊 融合成障礙物的距離與方向資訊,並透過模糊避障機制來決定機器人的移動方向與旋轉 角度,最後再以SOPC 實現各種相關演算法,利用FPGA 的硬體電路優勢,以軟硬體協 同設計(Hardware/Software Co-design)的技術設計各種硬體加速器電路,提升相關演算法 的執行效率,實現以SOC 晶片系統即時處理及控制移動式機器人的目的。
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    Image-Based System for Measuring Objects on an Oblique Surface
    (2010-05-06) Chen-Chien Hsu; Wei-Yen Wang; Yin-Yu Lu; Ming-Chih Lu
    This paper presents an image-based framework for measuring target objects on an oblique plane by using a single CCD camera and two parallel laser projectors beside the camera. Because of the alignment of the laser beams which form in parallel with the optical axis, projected spots in the image can be processed to establish relationships between distance and pixel counts between the projected spots in the image. Based on simple geometrical derivations without complex image processing, the proposed approach can measure the photographing distance, the distance between two arbitrary points on the oblique surface, and the incline angle. Experiment results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed approach in measuring distant objects on an oblique plane.
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    Distance and Angle Measurement of Distant Objects on an Oblique Plane Based on Pixel Variation of CCD Image
    (2010-05-06) Ming-Chih Lu; Chen-Chien Hsu; Yin-Yu Lu
    This paper presents an image-based system for measuring target objects on an oblique plane based on pixel variation of CCD images for digital cameras by referencing to two arbitrarily designated points in image frames. Based on an established relationship between the displacement of the camera movement along the photographing direction and the difference in pixel counts between reference points in the images, photographing distance between the camera and an object on the oblique target plane can be calculated via the proposed method.
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    Distance Measurement Based on Pixel Variation of CCD Images
    (2009-02-12) Chen-Chien Hsu; Ming-Chih Lu; Ke-Wei Chin
    This paper presents a distance measurement method based on pixel number variation of images for digital cameras by referencing to two arbitrarily designated points in image frames. Based on an established relationship between the displacement of the camera movement along the photographing direction and the difference in pixel counts between reference points in the images, distance from an object can be calculated via the proposed method. To integrate the measuring functions into digital cameras, circuit design implementing the proposed measuring system in selecting reference points, measuring distance, and displaying measurement results on CCD panel of the digital camera is proposed in this paper. In comparison to pattern recognition or image analysis methods, the proposed measuring approach is simple and straightforward for practical implementation into digital cameras. Experiment results have demonstrated that the proposed method is capable of yielding satisfactory measurement results in a very responsive way.
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    Distance and Angle Measurement of Distant Objects on an Oblique Plane Based on Pixel Number Variation of CCD Images
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2011-05-01) Chen-Chien Hsu; Ming-Chih Lu; Yin-Yu Lu
    This paper presents an image-based system for measuring target objects on an oblique plane based on pixel number variation of charge-coupled device images for digital cameras by referencing to two arbitrarily designated points in the image frame. Based on an established relationship between the displacement of the camera movement along the photographing direction and the variation in pixel counts between the reference points in the images, photographic distance and incline angle for objects lying on an oblique plane can be calculated via the proposed method. As a real-case application of the proposed approach, 2-D localization of target objects in robot soccer competitions is also demonstrated to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach. To allow the use of widely available digital zoom cameras for ranging and localization by the proposed method, a parameter equivalent to the displacement due to the camera movement is also investigated and derived in this paper.
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    Image-Based System for Measuring Objects on an Oblique Plane and It Applications in Two-Dimensional Localization
    (IEEE Sensors Council, 2012-06-01) Ming-Chih Lu; Chen-Chien Hsu; Yin-Yu Lu
    This paper presents an image-based framework for measuring target objects on an oblique plane by using a single charge-coupled device camera and two laser projectors mounted in parallel beside the camera. Because of the alignment of the laser beams, which form in parallel with the optical axis of the camera, laser-projected spots in the image can be processed to establish relationships between distance and pixel counts of the projected spots in the image. Based on simple geometrical derivations without complex image processing, the proposed approach can successfully measure the photographic distance, the distance between two arbitrary points on the oblique surface, and the incline angle of the oblique surface. Thanks to its ranging capability, the proposed image-based measuring system is further applied to localize objects on a ground surface in addition to depth measurement. To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach for practical applications, we propose a surveillance framework under which a pan-tilt-zoom camera tracks objects in an environment according to the 2-D localization results obtained via the proposed method. Experimental results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed approach in distance measurement, as well as localization of objects on an oblique plane.