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    (2013) 張華恩; CHANG,Hua-En
    本論文使用Pioneer 3-DX兩輪自走車搭載一台LMS-100雷射測距儀做未知環境的地圖建置,主要使用ICP演算法將每一筆雷射測距儀的掃描資訊疊合,但由於傳統ICP演算法本身容易受到雜訊與離散點影響,造成配對到不恰當的配對點,產生對齊有誤差,而在雷射掃描儀的連續掃描下,誤差的累積越來越多,導致整體的環境地圖對齊結果並不理想,故本論文提出使用PSO調整增強型ICP演算法來克服其問題,先使用PSO演算法將要對齊的兩集合做初步的對齊,避免兩集合落差太大產生區域最佳解,接著使用部分全域的地圖當作參考資訊,搭配篩選重疊資訊模組、權重模組及參考地圖間格模組,成為增強型ICP演算法,此演算法不但可以克服雜訊與離散點影響,還可以降低配對到不恰當的配對點,增加對齊效果,降低累積誤差,以獲得更佳的未知環境地圖。
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    (2008-06-07) 許陳鑑; 林耕宇
    本文提出ㄧ種 改良式非同步並行處理之粒子群聚最佳化法 ,以提升粒子群聚最佳化法在不同質(heterogeneous)的計算環境中之計算效率。作法上係綜合傳統的同步與非同步並行處理計算法,以僕工作端(slave)之性能為基準,分配適當的粒子數量,以減少工作站等待時間的浪費,使計算效能得以提升。為評估本文所提出方法之有效性,我們將以minimax 最佳化問題及系統模型降階的問題作為標的,分別使用傳統的同步並行處理、非同步並行處理、ㄧ台獨立電腦、以及本文所提出之方法做比較。實驗結果指出,我們所提出的方法在兩個範例都有較好的性能展現。
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    Digital redesign of uncertain interval systems based on time-response resemblance via particle swarm optimization
    (2008-06-27) Chen-Chien Hsu; Geng-Yu Lin
    In this paper, a novel design approach based on time-response resemblance of the closed-loop system via particle swarm optimization is proposed to improve performance of the redesigned digital system for continuous-time uncertain interval systems. The design rationale of the proposed approach is to derive a digital controller for the redesigned digital system so that step response sequences corresponding to the extremal sequence energy closely match those of their continuous counterpart under the perturbation of the plant parameters. By suitably formulating the design problem as an optimization problem, an evolution framework incorporating three PSOs (particle swarm optimizations) is presented to derive a set of optimal parameters for the digital controller. Computer simulations have shown that time responses of the redesigned digital system having an interval plant have a better resemblance to their continuous-time counter part in comparison those obtained using existing open-loop discretization methods.
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    Particle swarm optimization incorporating simplex search and center particle for global optimization
    (2008-06-27) Chen-Chien Hsu; Chun-Hwui Gao
    This paper proposes a hybrid approach incorporating an enhanced Nelder-Mead simplex search scheme into a particle swarm optimization (PSO) with the use of a center particle in a swarm for effectively solving multi-dimensional optimization problems. Because of the strength of PSO in performing exploration search and NM simplex search in exploitation search, in addition to the help of a center particle residing closest to the optimum during the optimization process, both convergence rate and accuracy of the proposed optimization algorithm can be significantly improved. To show the effectiveness of the proposed approach, 18 benchmark functions will be adopted for optimization via the proposed approach in comparison to existing methods.
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    Digital redesign of uncertain interval systems based on extremal gain/phase margins via a hybrid particle swarm optimizer
    (Elsevier, 2010-03-01) Chen-Chien Hsu; Wern-Yarng Shieh; Chun-Hwei Kao
    In this paper, a hybrid optimizer incorporating particle swarm optimization (PSO) and an enhanced NM simplex search method is proposed to derive an optimal digital controller for uncertain interval systems based on resemblance of extremal gain/phase margins (GM/PM). By combining the uncertain plant and controller, extremal GM/PM of the redesigned digital system and its continuous counterpart can be obtained as the basis for comparison. The design problem is then formulated as an optimization problem of an aggregated error function in terms of deviation on extremal GM/PM between the redesigned digital system having an interval plant and its continuous counterpart, and subsequently optimized by the proposed optimizer to obtain an optimal set of parameters for the digital controller. Thanks to the performance of the proposed hybrid optimizer, frequency-response performances of the redesigned digital system using the digital controller evolutionarily derived by the proposed approach bare a far better resemblance to its continuous-time counter part in comparison to those obtained using existing open-loop discretization methods.
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    Digital redesign of uncertain interval systems based on time-response resemblance via particle swarm optimization
    (Elsevier, 2009-07-01) Chen-Chien Hsu; Geng-Yu Lin
    In this paper, a particle swarm optimization (PSO) based approach is proposed to derive an optimal digital controller for redesigned digital systems having an interval plant based on time-response resemblance of the closed-loop systems. Because of difficulties in obtaining time-response envelopes for interval systems, the design problem is formulated as an optimization problem of a cost function in terms of aggregated deviation between the step responses corresponding to extremal energies of the redesigned digital system and those of their continuous counterpart. A proposed evolutionary framework incorporating three PSOs is subsequently presented to minimize the cost function to derive an optimal set of parameters for the digital controller, so that step response sequences corresponding to the extremal sequence energy of the redesigned digital system suitably approximate those of their continuous counterpart under the perturbation of the uncertain plant parameters. Computer simulations have shown that redesigned digital systems incorporating the PSO-derived digital controllers have better system performance than those using conventional open-loop discretization methods.
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    Digital redesign of uncertain interval systems via particle swarm optimization
    (World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET), 2008-07-01) Chen-Chien Hsu; Chun-Hwui Gao
    In this paper, a PSO-based approach is proposed to derive a digital controller for redesigned digital systems having an interval plant based on resemblance of the extremal gain/phase margins. By combining the interval plant and a controller as an interval system, extremal GM/PM associated with the loop transfer function can be obtained. The design problem is then formulated as an optimization problem of an aggregated error function revealing the deviation on the extremal GM/PM between the redesigned digital system and its continuous counterpart, and subsequently optimized by a proposed PSO to obtain an optimal set of parameters for the digital controller. Computer simulations have shown that frequency responses of the redesigned digital system having an interval plant bare a better resemblance to its continuous-time counter part by the incorporation of a PSO-derived digital controller in comparison to those obtained using existing open-loop discretization methods.