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    (2008-06-07) 盧明智; 王地河; 許陳鑑; 蔡政沛; 闕士結
    本研製作品只要丟一片圓形浮板於待測液體儲存槽中,圓形浮板會隨液位的高低而升降, 而其影像圓形的面積亦隨液位高低而改變,把圓形浮板影像圖形的面積,轉換成該圓形浮板影像 圖形的直徑,就能輕易地以簡單的公式,完成液位高低的量測,本研製作品將有結構簡單,操作 方便的優點。更重要的是,除了液位高低(存量)的量測外,從所攝取的影像畫面就能同時觀測到 儲存槽內部儲存物的儲存狀態或反應情形。 本研製作品已真正實現非接觸式的量測,不像超音波或壓力式等液位量系統,必須把感測器 設量於儲存槽之內,因而可以避免漏電或氣爆等工安事故的發生,本項研製作品已取得三項中華 民國發明專利。
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    Area measurement system using a single camera
    (2006-11-11) C.-C. Chen; T.-H. Wang; M.-C. Lu; W.-Y. Wang
    In this paper, we propose a new method to measure area using only a single CCD camera in different distances. Two parallel laser beams are established to serve as the basis for horizontal length measurement. A single horizontal scanning line of the CCD image is only required for the area measurement. Based on the pixel numbers between two projected points within a CCD image, which represent the resolution of horizontal length, the actual area can be derived by counting the pixel numbers occupied by the image of the object to be measured on the CCD image. Our research results are merited with quick measurement speed, simple system structures and there will be no necessity to adopt image recognizing or signal analysis techniques to calculate the area from different photographing distances.
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    Image-Based Height Measuring System
    (2007-08-26) W.-Y. Wang; M.-C. Lu; C.-T. Chuang; J.-C. Cheng
    In this paper, a new distance measuring method to measure the height of a building is proposed. Traditionally, distance measuring using CCD is based on the parallax method. This paper puts forward a method of measuring the width and height of a building regardless of the distance of the camera or the angle between optical axis and ground. By using two parallel laser spots, the distance from the camera to the building and the height of the building can be determined in a single photo session and with a single picture. Experiments show that even highly non-orthogonal pictures taken from a short distance can be used to determine the height of a building. The result will not be affected by the angle between the camera’s optical axis, the ground and the measured surface.
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    (2008-06-07) 盧明智; 王偉彥; 黃敏祥; 張沛鈞; 郭庭男