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    (2022) 婁德; Lou, Te
    在半導體產業的蓬勃發展下,CMOS製程技術不斷地進步,使得積體電路的尺寸越來越小且能在更低的供應電壓下操作,不論是晶片的面積或功率消耗都能得到大幅地下降。因此,市場上對於體積輕薄且高效能的電子產品的需求變得越來越高。在眾多的電子產品中,類比數位轉換器(Analog-to-Digital Converter, ADC)都扮演著即其重要的角色,又尤其三角積分調變器(Delta-Sigma Modulator, DSM)為相當熱門的研究對象。因為其獨特的超取樣技術以及雜訊移頻的特性,能有效地降低類比元件非理想效應對電路效能的影響,並且能將信號頻帶內的雜訊大量地移至高頻。三角積分調變器大多應用於高解析度且窄頻的音頻設備中。本論文提出一個使用反相器基底積分器和相關電位移技術的二階雜訊移頻SAR ADC,結合 DSM 優秀的雜訊移頻特性和雜訊移頻逐次逼近式類比數位轉換器低功耗的優點,並藉由新提出的在輸出端採用相關電位移技術的反相器基底積分器去改善以往運算放大器高功耗的缺點。此架構能在電路複雜度相當低的條件下,實現低功耗且高解析度的類比數位轉換器。本研究使用 UMC 180nm 1P6MCMOS 製程實現,供應電壓為 1.2V,取樣頻率為 3.072 MHz,頻寬為音頻應用的20 kHz,量測所能達到的 SNDR 為 80.7 dB,總功率消耗為 103 μW,效能指標FoMS為 163.5 dB。
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    A Low-Voltage Fourth-Order Cascade Delta-Sigma Modulator in 0.18 um CMOS
    (IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, 2010-09-01) Chien-Hung Kuo; Deng-Yao Shi; Kang-Shuo Chang
    In this paper, a low-voltage fourth-order 2-2 cascade delta-sigma (ΔΣ) modulator using the proposed double-sampling switched-operational-amplifier (SOP)-based integrator is presented. In the analog part of the ΔΣ modulator, most of the power consumption comes from the SOP used in the integrator. Hence, the requirement of the SOP must effectively be relaxed to reduce the power consumption of the modulator. In each cascade stage, the second-order ΔΣ modulator with a cascade-of-integrators input feedforward structure is used to reduce the output swing. The second integrator output of the first stage is directly connected to the second stage to simplify circuit design on the analog part. Furthermore, the double-sampling SOP-based integrator is also adopted to reduce the applied clock frequency by half. In this paper, systematic means of designing the presented modulator and searching the minimum current of the SOP in a specified supply voltage are also developed. The presented ΔΣ modulator is fabricated in a 0.18- μm 1P6M CMOS technology. The chip core area without PADs is 1.57 mm2 . The modulator achieves an 84-dB peak signal-to-noise plus distortion ratio and an 88-dB dynamic range in 20-kHz signal bandwidth with a clock frequency of 2 MHz. The power consumption of the presented modulator core is 0.66 mW at a supply voltage of 1 V. The presented modulator can also be operated in a wide range of supply voltages from 1.8 V down to 0.9 V without seriously degrading the performance.