
Permanent URI for this communityhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/85






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    (2009) 葉嘉安; Jia-an Ye
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    (2009) 魏志兆; Chih-Chao Wei
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    (2007) 彭令儀; Lin-Yi Peng
    由於訊務量劇烈的增加,使得行動通訊中的無線通道變得極為珍貴而需被謹慎的分配。通道配置上,除可利用通道分配技術來增加頻譜使用率,同時亦可利用階層式的架構,增加蜂巢的覆蓋面積,以提升通道使用率。因此,本論文將探討運用於階層式蜂巢網路上通道分配之改進方式。本研究設計的通道分配處理器為運用模糊演算法及適應性重整的機制,妥善分配資源以供行動台使用。其中處理器分三個部分:模糊路徑選擇器、模糊蜂巢選擇器,及通道分配評估器。設計架構主體,首先以模糊聚類方式依基地台可利用程度,決定所欲傳輸的路徑,藉此降低搜尋時間。接著以模糊演算法依行動台移動速度及蜂巢內有效資源決定所要分配的蜂巢層,以降低新呼叫阻塞率。為了避免移動速度慢的行動台佔用巨蜂巢內資源,以及快速行動台交遞率的增加,將採用適應性重整機制,重新選擇合適的蜂巢層,以降低交遞率。 經模擬得知,相較於使用門檻值控制機制,本研究所使用的方法平均改善13.48%阻塞率及56.48%的交遞率,故證明本研究所提方法,在解決通道分配問題上確實有明顯較佳之效能。
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    FPGA設計32-bits及128-bits AES演算法使用Block RAM
    (2007) 林茂元; Lin Mao Yuan
    高級加密標準Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)演算法為一種對稱式加密系統的新標準,於西元2001年10月由美國國家標準與技術學會NIST(National Institute of Standards and Technology)選定Rijndael區塊加密演算法定名之,目的以用來取代資料加密標準DES (Data Encryption Standard)演算法。 本篇論文中,利用HDL (Hardware Description Language)語言,針對FPGA架構及特性,實現32-bit AES演算法電路,並將其中SubByte、MixColumn,ShiftRow及KeyExpansion進行Memory Base設計,簡少FPGA上的Slices使用,因此大幅提昇電路執行的整體運作時脈。並且利用4個32-bits AES電路為基礎,並列實現128-bits的AES電路。透過此研究可以提供在FPGA上小面積、Memory Base及較高頻率與Throughput之AES電路。
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    (2007) 吳明霖; Ming Lin-Wu
    在無所不在的無線通訊世界,近距離無線通訊技術日益受到重視。其中射頻電子標籤(RFID)能夠對人員與物品做長期追蹤與監控的功能尤其受到各方重視。然而,資料顯示,醫療不良事件的發生率約有3.7%,其中以藥物不良事件為所有非手術醫療疏失之首位,高達19.3%,且大部份來自於用藥疏失。為了減少藥物的使用失敗率與安全的使用,我們將著手三個部份第一為藥劑師的處方方面第二為藥廠製藥標籤方面第三為醫療人員監視病人使用藥物方面。 以醫藥產業而言,無線射頻 可被應用在兩大領域:一、追蹤資產:包括設備、資產等,以增加效能並減少人力成本。二、追蹤資料核實狀況:提高文件自動化、隨時監控產品。 本研究的系統是針對目前管制藥品的庫存及使用管理提出解決方案,希望能加強現行運作的醫療資訊系統。。主要成果有三個:一、建立一個便於使用的管制藥品使用流程;二、可以即時掌握管制藥品的庫存量及使管制藥品拿錯的機率達到最低;三、利用電子化作業來降低管制藥品取用人員拿取錯誤的機會。
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    (2007) 鄭人華; Jen-Hua Cheng
    無線感測器網路是近年來相當熱門的研究議題,其應用範圍很廣泛,但是電源的供應一直是無線感測器網路本身的限制。為了延長感測器網路的運作時間,許多研究著手於無線感測器網路中的省電機制。本論文是著重於路徑的選擇,以擇路延長網路壽命為目的。利用權重計算擇路演算法尋找適合的路徑傳送資料,與最小能量傳送方法( Minimum Transmission Energy、MTE)比較,約能延長整體感測器網路的33%運作時間,且對於整體網路的傳送效率影響不大。
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    A Cross-Layer Link Adaptation Algorithm for IEEE 802.11 WLAN with Multiple Nodes
    (2008-12-12) Chiapin Wang; Tsungnan Lin
    IEEE 802.11 wireless local area network (WLAN) physical layer (PHY) offers multiple data rates. In multi-rate WLANs, 802.11 distributed coordination function (DCF) presents the phenomenon so called ldquoperformance anomalyrdquo: when some hosts transmit at lower data rates, throughput of others at high rates will be restricted within the lowest rate, leading to the degradation of overall performance. Therefore, the link adaptation scheme for 802.11 WLAN should consider not only throughput of the observed host but also system throughput in order to optimize the overall performance. In this paper we propose a cross-layer link adaptation algorithm which improves system throughput by regarding the situation of PHY rate degradation more thoughtfully and critically, and meanwhile compensates the throughput of hosts with bad link qualities by applying differentiated channel access parameters. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the propose algorithm.
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    A Cross-Layer Adaptive Handoff Algorithm in Wireless Multimedia Environments
    (2007-09-12) Tsungnan Lin; Chiapin Wang
    Providing multimedia services in wireless networks is concerned about the performance of handoff algorithms because of the irretrievable property of real-time data delivery. To lessen unnecessary handoffs and handoff latencies which can cause media disruption perceived by users, we present in this paper a cross-layer handoff algorithm base on link quality. Neural networks are used to learn the cross-layer correlation between the link quality estimator such as packet success rate and the corresponding context metric indictors, e.g. the transmitting packet length, received signal strength, and signal to noise ratio. Based on a pre-processed learning of link quality profile, our approach makes handoff decisions intelligently and efficiently with the evaluations of link quality instead of the comparisons between relative signal strength. The experiment and simulation results show that the proposed method outperforms RSS-based handoff algorithms in a transmission scenario of VoIP applications.
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    A Context-Aware Approach for Multimedia Performance Optimization using Neural Networks in Wireless LAN Environments
    (2006-07-12) Po-Chiang Lin; Chiapin Wang; Tsungnan Lin
    Packet size is one of the most important factors that would affect the user-perceived multimedia QoS in the wireless LAN environments. The time-varying channel characteristics make it difficult to find the exact relationship between the packet size and the throughput and decide an optimal packet size in advance. Furthermore, every node would suffer different channel conditions. In this paper, we tackle this problem by an optimization approach. A context-aware framework is designed to optimize the packet size adaptively in order to maximize the throughput. In this approach each node abstracts its specific context via the throughput from the time-varying wireless environments. The obtained throughput information is the instantaneous integrated effect of all contexts in wireless LAN environments. This approach adopts neural networks to learn the complex nonlinear function between the packet size and the throughput and adaptively adjusts the packet size. Simulation results show that out method can cope with the time-varying wireless channel conditions and improve the perceived QoS of wireless multimedia services