
Permanent URI for this communityhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/85






Search Results

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    Minimum-phase criteria for sampled systems via symbolic approach
    (1996-12-13) C.-H. Wang; W.-Y. Wang; C.-C. Hsu
    In this paper, we propose a symbolic approach to determine the sampling-time range which guarantees minimum-phase behaviours for a sampled system with a zero-order hold. By using Maple, a symbolic manipulation package, the symbolic transfer function of the sampled system, which contains sampling time T as an independent variable, can be easily obtained. We then adopt the critical stability constraints to determine the sampling-time range which ensures that the sampled system has only stable zeros. In comparison with existing methods, the approach proposed in this paper has less restrictions on the continuous plant and is very easy to implement in any symbolic manipulation packages. Several examples are illustrated to show the effectiveness of this approach
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    DSP-based fuzzy neural networks and its application in speech recognition
    (1999-10-15) S.-C. Chen; C.-C. Hsu; W.-Y. Wang
    A fuzzy-neural network needs to be trained through a learning process, so that suitable membership functions and weightings can be obtained. However, most neural networks are only simulated by computer software, which are not practical for real applications. It is therefore our objective to design an integrated circuit system based on a DSP processor with powerful arithmetical capabilities and fast data processing, and relevant peripheral devices to implement the fuzzy neural network. In terms of implementation cost and feasibility for practical applications, this DSP-based fuzzy neural network will be more practical and usable. Finally, a prospective application of the DSP processor-based fuzzy neural network to recognize speech from a non-designated person is proposed
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    Fuzzy B-spline membership function (BMF) and its applications in fuzzy-neural control
    (1994-10-05) C.-H. Wang; W.-Y. Wang
    A general methodology for constructing fuzzy membership functions via B-spline curve is proposed. By using the method of least-squares, we translate the empirical data into the form of the control points of B-spline curves to construct fuzzy membership functions. This unified form of fuzzy membership functions is called as B-spline membership functions (BMF's). By using the local control property of B-spline curve, the BMF's can be tuned locally during learning process. For the control of a model car through fuzzy-neural networks, it is shown that the local tuning of BMF's can indeed reduce the number of iterations tremendously
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    Fuzzy evaluation and expert system in classical control system design
    (1994-07-01) C.-H. Wang; W.-Y. Wang; T.-T. Lee
    The purpose of this paper is to develop an expert system for control system design (ESCSD), with a unique set of fuzzy evaluation rules. The authors' investigation not only uses expert systems for control system design but also proposes a practical way to use a unique set of fuzzy evaluation rules to suggest a better design method for a given plant. A set of fuzzy evaluation rules extracted from four classical design procedures is proposed. It focuses on how to predict the results of design methods. The authors deem the fuzzy evaluation rules are predicting tools of an expert system. It is also shown in this paper that the set of fuzzy evaluation rules has been successfully integrated with ESCSD. Several examples are illustrated which show the agreeable result obtained from ESCSD.
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    Discrete modeling of continuous interval using high-order integrators
    (1999-06-04) C.-C. Hsu; W.-Y. Wang
    A higher-order integrator approach is proposed to obtain an approximate discrete-time transfer function for uncertain continuous systems having interval uncertainties. Thanks to simple algebraic operations of this approach, the resulting discrete model is a rational function of the uncertain parameters. The problem of non-linearly coupled coefficients of exponential nature in the exact discrete-time transfer function is therefore circumvented. Furthermore, interval structure of the uncertain continuous-time system is preserved in the resulting discrete model by using this approach. Formulas to obtain the lower and upper bounds for the discrete interval system are derived, so that existing robust results in the discrete-time domain can be easily applied to the discretized system. Digital simulation and design for the continuous-time interval plant can then be performed based on the obtained discrete-time interval model
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    On constructing fuzzy membership functions and applications in fuzzy neural networks
    (1993-10-29) C.-H. Wang; T.-T. Lee; W.-Y. Wang; P.-S. Tseng
    A unified form of fuzzy membership functions, called as B-spline membership functions (BMFs) is proposed. The computer simulation of fuzzy control of a model car is considered as an application of BMFs in fuzzy neural networks. The example shows that the number of iterations for learning is substantially less than that of conventional methods.
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    A GA-based indirect adaptive fuzzy-neural controller for uncertain nonlinear systems
    (2002-12-06) W.-Y. Wang; C.-C. Hsu; C.-W. Tao; Y.-H. Li
    In this paper, a novel approach to adjust both the control points of B-spline membership functions (BMFs) and the weightings of fuzzy-neural networks using a reduced-form genetic algorithm (RGA) is proposed. Chromosomes consisting of both the control points of BMFs and the weightings of fuzzy-neural networks are coded as an adjustable vector with real number components and searched by the RGA. Moreover, we propose an application of the RGA in designing an RGA-based indirect adaptive fuzzy-neural controller (RIAFC) for uncertain nonlinear dynamical systems. The free parameters of the indirect adaptive fuzzy-neural controller can successfully be tuned on-line via the RGA approach. A supervisory controller is incorporated into the RIAFC to stabilize the closed-loop nonlinear system. An example of a nonlinear system controlled by RIAFC are demonstrated to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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    H-inf.-observer-based adaptive fuzzy-neural control for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems
    (1999-10-15) Y.-G. Leu; W.-Y. Wang; T.-T. Lee
    This paper presents a method for designing an H∞-observer-based adaptive fuzzy-neural output feedback control law with on-line tuning of fuzzy-neural weighting factors for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems based on the H∞ control technique and the strictly positive real Lyapunov (SPR-Lyapunov) design approach. The H∞-observer-based output feedback control law guarantees that all signals involved are bounded and provides the modeling error (and the external bounded disturbance) attenuation with H∞ performance, obtained by a Riccati-Like equation. Besides, the H∞-observer-based output feedback control law doesn't require the assumptions of the total system states available for measurement and the uncertain system nonlinearities only restricted to the system output. Finally, an example is simulated in order to confirm the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed methods
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    Adaptive fuzzy-neural sliding mode control for a class of uncertain nonlinear dynamical systems
    (2001-03-24) W.-Y. Wang; M.-L. Chan; T.-T. Lee
    In this paper, a novel design algorithm of adaptive fuzzy-neuralsliding mode control for a class of uncertain nonlinear dynamicalsystems is proposed to attenuate the effects caused by unmodeleddynamics, disturbances and approximate errors. Since fuzzy-neuralsystems can uniformly approximate nonlinear continuous functions toarbitrary accuracy, the adaptive fuzzy control theory is employed toderive the control law for a class of nonlinear system, with unknownnonlinear functions and disturbances. Moreover, the sliding modecontrol method is incorporated into the control law so that thederived controller is robust with respect to unmodeled dynamics,disturbances and approximate errors. To demonstrate the effectivenessof the proposed method, an example is illustrated in this paper.
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    A composite controller for unknown nonlinear dynamical systems using robust adaptive fuzzy-neural control schemes
    (2000-09-27) W.-Y. Wang; C.-C. Hsu; Y.-G. Leu
    A robust adaptive fuzzy-neural control scheme for nonlinear dynamical systems is proposed to attenuate the effects caused by unmodeled dynamics, disturbance and modeling errors. A composite update law, which has a generalized form combining the projection algorithm modification and the switching-σ adaptive law, is used to tune the adjustable parameters for preventing parameter drift and confining states of the system into the specified regions. Moreover, a fuzzy variable structure control method is incorporated into the control law so that the derived controller is robust with respect to unmodeled dynamics, disturbances and modeling errors. Compared with previous control schemes for nonlinear systems, the magnitude of the control input by using the proposed approach is much smaller, which is a significant advantage in designing controllers for practical applications. To demonstrate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed method, several examples are illustrated in the paper