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    (2010) 李冠毅; Kuan-Yi Lee
      積體電路隨著製程技術的進步,已進入奈米的世界。然而在類比電路的設計與實現上卻沒有明顯受益,肇因於臨界電壓並未顯著減少,這對類比電路的設計是一大考驗。特別是低電壓電路要維持與一般電壓相同之效能是一項很大的挑戰。三角積分調變器對於類比電路元件的非理想特性不敏感,常運用於高解析度之電路,再結合超取樣技術、切換式運算放大器技術及雙取樣技術,可提升電路的性能。   本論文提出在供應電壓為0.7V的操作下,適用於音頻範圍之三階多位元低通三角積分調變器,使用TSMC標準0.18微米製程下完成兩個電路,一為改良型三階低失真三角積分調變器,另一個為具數位加強的三階低失真三角積分調變器。操作於25 KHz的頻寬,取樣頻率為4 MHz,個別的最大SNDR各為79.94 dB和80.14 dB,功率消耗為0.8897 mW和0.566 mW。
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    A 0.8V SOP-Based Cascade Multibit Delta-Sigma Modulator for Wideband Applications
    (2008-12-03) Chien-Hung Kuo; Kuan-Yi Lee; Shuo-Chau Chen
    In this paper, a 0.8 V switched-opamp (SOP)-based 2-2 cascade delta-sigma modulator for wideband applications is presented. The first stage uses low-distortion topology to release the requirement of SOP due to only the quantization noise in integrator path. The second stage employs a CIFB structure without the use of summer in front of the quantizer to decrease the power consumption. Double sampling technique combined with the SOP with two output stages is used to promote the clock efficiency. The proposed fourth-order DeltaSigma modulator with CIFFCIFB structure has been implemented in a 0.13 mum CMOS 1P8M technology. The core area excluding PADs is 1.66times1.62 mm2. The peak signal-to-noise plus distortion ratio (SNDR) and dynamic range (DR) of the presented modulator within a 1.1 MHz of bandwidth are 77.9 dB and 85 dB, respectively, under a 20 MHz of clock rate. The power dissipation of the presented DeltaSigma modulator is 15.7 mW at a 0.8 V of supply voltage.
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    An Ultra Low-Power Delta-Sigma Modulator Using Charge-Transfer Amplifier Technique
    (2008-12-03) Chien-Hung Kuo; Kuan-Yi Lee; Ming-Feng Wu
    In this paper, an ultra low-power delta-sigma (DeltaSigma) modulator applying charge-transfer amplifier (CTA) technique for voice-band applications is presented. Both the fully-differential charge-transfer amplifier and integrator are developed for higher dynamic range of the modulator. A 67 dB of the peak SNR within a 4 kHz of bandwidth is reached in the presented modulator under a 2.5 MHz of sampling rate. The prototype circuit has been implemented in a 0.18 mum 1P6M CMOS technology. The chip area excluding PADs is 0.50 times 0.28 mm2. Due to its zero static current of CTA, only dynamic power is consumed in the circuit. The power consumption of the analog part of the presented second-order DeltaSigma modulator is only 3.4 muW. The total power consumption of the whole modulator is 36 muW at a 1.8 V of supply voltage.