
Permanent URI for this communityhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/85






Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 21
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    Global Optimization Using Novel Randomly Adapting Particle Swarm Optimization Approach
    (2011-10-12) Nai-Jen Li; Wen-June Wang; Chen-Chien Hsu; Chih-Min Lin
    This paper proposes a novel randomly adapting particle swarm optimization (RAPSO) approach which uses a weighed particle in a swarm to solve multi-dimensional optimization problems. In the proposed method, the strategy of the RAPSO acquires the benefit from a weighed particle to achieve optimal position in explorative and exploitative search. The weighed particle provides a better direction of search and avoids trapping in local solution during the optimization process. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the RAPSO, which outperforms the traditional PSO method, cooperative random learning particle swarm optimization (CRPSO), genetic algorithm (GA) and differential evolution (DE) on the 6 benchmark functions.
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    Localization of Mobile Robots Based on Omni-Directional Ultrasonic Sensing
    (2011-09-18) Chen-Chien Hsu; Chien-Yu Lai; Chisato Kanamori; Hisayuki; Aoyama; Ching-Chang Wong
    A localization method based on omni-directional ultrasonic sensing is proposed in this paper, circumventing the detection-angle limitation of ultrasonic signals. Experiment setup includes four ultrasonic sensors located on the vertexes in a square environment serving as receivers and a mobile robot carrying an omni-directional ultrasonic device as a transmitter. Each ultrasonic sensor is integrated with a Zig-Bee module for communication. By sequential ultrasonic signal transmission between the robot and the receivers, the ultrasonic sensors can then measure the time-of-flight (TOF) while avoiding interference to calculate the distance between the receiver and transmitter ends. According to an established two-dimensional coordinate model using dual-circle derivation, the coordinate of the robot can be obtained based on the distance measurement. Experimental results have shown a satisfactory accuracy of the coordinates of the mobile robot via the proposed localization scheme.
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    PSO-Based Intelligent Digital Redesign of T-S Fuzzy Controller
    (2011-06-10) Chen-Chien Hsu; Shu-Han Chu; Yi-Hsing Chien
    In this paper, a novel method is proposed to solve the complex mathematical model of digital redesign of nonlinear systems which is regarded difficult to approximate. The paper uses the T-S fuzzy model and particle swarm optimization (PSO) to search for the range of digital-controller parameters and to obtain the optimized digital controller using this algorithm. Due to the difficulty in establishing the discrete model of the interval system and designing the digital controller of the interval system, we have formulated the design problem into an optimization problem of a cost function. First, we process the continuous-time nonlinear systems using the T-S fuzzy model, followed by designing a continuous-time controller using individual rules. The next step is to express all possible linear systems as interval systems and search for the range of digital-controller parameters using PSO to narrow down the search range and conveniently search for the optimal solutions. According to the search range of digital controller parameters, the PSO is used to search for the discrete-time controller based on individual rules, so that the states of the discrete-time model based on the fuzzy model approximate to those of the continuous-time nonlinear systems. Finally, one example is given to prove this method is more accurate than the existing one with faster execution speed.
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    Real-Time Object Tracking Based on Hardware/Software Co-design
    (2011-12-21) Chen-Chien Hsu; Shih-An Li; Wen-Ling Lin
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    Image-Based System for Measuring Objects on an Oblique Surface
    (2010-05-06) Chen-Chien Hsu; Wei-Yen Wang; Yin-Yu Lu; Ming-Chih Lu
    This paper presents an image-based framework for measuring target objects on an oblique plane by using a single CCD camera and two parallel laser projectors beside the camera. Because of the alignment of the laser beams which form in parallel with the optical axis, projected spots in the image can be processed to establish relationships between distance and pixel counts between the projected spots in the image. Based on simple geometrical derivations without complex image processing, the proposed approach can measure the photographing distance, the distance between two arbitrary points on the oblique surface, and the incline angle. Experiment results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed approach in measuring distant objects on an oblique plane.
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    Localization of Mobile Robots via an Enhanced Particle Filter
    (2010-05-06) Chen-Chien Hsu; Ching-Chang Wong; Hung-Chih Teng; Nai-Jen Li; Cheng-Yao Ho
    A self-localization method entitled enhanced particle filter incorporating tournament selection and Nelder-Mead simplex search (NM-EPF) for autonomous mobile robots is proposed in this paper. To evaluate the performance of the localization scheme, an omnidirectional vision device is mounted on top of the robot to analyze the environment of a soccer robot game field. Through detecting the white boundary lines relative to the robot in the game field, weighting for each particle representing the robot's pose can be updated via the proposed NM-EPF algorithm. Because of the efficiency of the NM-EPF, particles converge to the correct location of the robot in a responsive way while tackling uncertainties. Simulation results have shown that efficiency in robot self-localization can be significantly improved while maintaining a relatively smaller mean error in comparison to that via conventional particle filter.
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    Real-Time Recognition of Moving Direction of a Target Object Based on Historical Trajectories
    (2011-06-10) Chen-Chien Hsu; Wei-Chen Liu; Chin-Ming Hong
    This paper presents an effective algorithm to identify moving direction of an object in images based on historical trajectories of the moving object. By continuously acquiring images, temporal differencing is performed to detect the moving object followed by median filtering to reduce noises in the images. After that, opening operation is adopted to remove small objects lacking momentum in the binary image and strengthen the surrounding thickness of those with sufficient momentum. Historical trajectories can therefore be constructed by decreasing the momentum of the binary images as time elapsed based on established rules to decide the moving direction of objects.
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    Hardware/Software Co-design of Particle Filter and Its Application in Object Tracking
    (2011-06-10) Chen-Chien Hsu; Shih-An Li; Wen-Ling Lin
    This paper presents a hardware/software co-design method for particle filter based on System On Program Chip (SOPC) technique. Considering both the execution speed and design flexibility, we use a NIOS II processor to calculate weight for each particle and a hardware accelerator to update particles. As a result, execution efficiency of the proposed hardware/software co-design method of particle filter is significantly improved while maintaining design flexibility for various applications. To demonstrate the performance of the proposed approach, a real-time object tracking system is established and presented in this paper. Experimental results have demonstrated the proposed method have satisfactory results in real-time tracking of objects in video sequences.
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    Hardware/Software Co-design for Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
    (2010-10-13) Shih-An Li; Chen-Chien Hsu; Ching-Chang Wong; Chia-Jun Yu
    This paper presents a hardware/software (HW/SW) co-design approach using SOPC technique and pipeline design method to improve the performance of particle swarm optimization (PSO) for embedded applications. Based on modular design architecture, a particle updating accelerator module via hardware implementation for updating velocity and position of particles and a fitness evaluation module implemented on a soft-cored processor for evaluating the objective functions are respectively designed and work closely together to accelerate the evolution process. Thanks to a flexible design, the proposed approach can tackle various optimization problems of embedded applications without the need for hardware redesign. To compensate the deficiency in generating truly random numbers by hardware implementation, a particle re-initialization scheme is also presented in this paper to further improve the execution performance of the PSO. Experiment results have demonstrated that the proposed HW/SW co-design approach to realize PSO is capable of achieving a high-quality solution effectively.
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    Distance and Angle Measurement of Distant Objects on an Oblique Plane Based on Pixel Variation of CCD Image
    (2010-05-06) Ming-Chih Lu; Chen-Chien Hsu; Yin-Yu Lu
    This paper presents an image-based system for measuring target objects on an oblique plane based on pixel variation of CCD images for digital cameras by referencing to two arbitrarily designated points in image frames. Based on an established relationship between the displacement of the camera movement along the photographing direction and the difference in pixel counts between reference points in the images, photographing distance between the camera and an object on the oblique target plane can be calculated via the proposed method.