
Permanent URI for this communityhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/64

在全球環境急遽變遷及資源耗竭下,環境議題日受重視,「環境教育」自1970年代起即成為先進國家積極推動的專業;近年來聯合國教科文組織更倡議將2005~2014訂為「永續發展教育十年」,呼籲各國積極推動環境教育及「永續發展教育」之研究與發展。國立台灣師範大學環境教育研究所為國內第一個設立的「環境教育研究所」,於民國八十二年開始招收碩士班研究生,並於民國九十五學年度起增設博士班,積極培養環境教育專業人才、推動學校及社會之環境教育與學術研究。近年則積極參與區域與地方永續發展相關研究及推廣教育,推動綠色學校、永續校園、綠色大學、自然教育中心、環境學習中心等,並與國際著名大學或研究中心合作,朝向亞太「永續教育區域專業中心」(Regional Center for Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development)發展。

  1. 學術研究國際化,進行環境教育及永續發展創新研究,提昇學術實力;
  2. 深化環境教育相關理論與應用研究,培養專業人才;
  3. 進行環境教育教與方案之研發、應用與評估,提昇環境教育專業品質;
  4. 協助政府與民間進行環境教育系統規劃、政策研究與人力培訓發展,增進整體社會環境倫理與典範轉移;
  5. 協助政府與民間運用不同自然環境與文化資源,開創環境學習場域,提供全民多元環境學習機會,提昇國民環境素養。

依據本所98.5.22課程委員會、理學院98.5.30課程委員會及本校98.6.2.校級課程委員會三級課程委員會通過之「環境教育研究所課程架構與學生能力指標」, 本所之發展願景、教育目標及學生能力指標如下:

  1. 發展成為世界第一流的環境教育研究與教學機構,引領國內環境教育之推展;
  2. 學術研究國際化,進行環境教育及永續發展創新研究,提昇學術研究實力;
  3. 環境關懷在地化,培育具有深刻環境關懷及環境教育專業能力之人才;
  4. 學理探討深刻化,奠立環境教育相關理論及哲學基礎,培育兼具科學基礎與環境倫理之優秀研究人才;
  5. 環境素養跨界化,提升科學及人文素養,培養理解自然與人文領域之整合能力,推動永續科學及永續教育之研究與社會實踐
  1. 培育具有精深學術素養與環境哲思基礎的環境教育學術研究人才;
  2. 培育國家環境教育領域之領導與創新專業人才;
  3. 培育兼具科學及人文素養,發展永續科學與永續教育領域之研究人才;
  4. 培育大專院校與人才培訓機構之環境教育相關領域研究與教學師資;
  5. 培育國內外環境保育、環境學習、永續產業的研究教學及專業研發人才。
  1. 培育具備環境倫理及環境素養之環境教育專業人才;
  2. 培育以永續發展科學為基礎的永續教育推動及管理人才;
  3. 培育各級學校具有學科整合能力之環境系統管理及環境教育規劃人才;
  4. 培養環境保護與自然保育行政部門的教育訓練規劃及整合推動之人才;
  5. 培養民間團體、自然教育中心、環境學習中心等領域之環境教育專業課程設計、活動企畫經營的專業人才;
  6. 培養協助企業社會責任、具有環境溝通與推廣能力之人才。



Search Results

Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Item
    An updated examination of the Luzon Strait transport.
    (American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2012-03-01) Hsin, Y.-C.; C.-R. Wu; S.-Y. Chao
    Despite numerous previous estimates of Luzon Strait transport (LST), we attempt an update using a fine-resolution model. With these improvements, the circulation in and around Luzon Strait shows up rather realistically. Intrusion of a Kuroshio meander into the South China Sea (SCS) is seasonally varying. The LST, especially in the upper ocean, caused by a small difference between the large meander inflow and outflow, is also seasonally varying and subject to large standard deviation. The annual mean LST is estimated to be westward (−4.0 ± 5.1 Sv) along 120.75°E. We have also conducted process of elimination experiments to assess the relative importance of open ocean inflow/outflow, wind stress, and surface heat flux in regulating LST and its seasonality. The East Asian monsoon winds stand out as the predominant forcing. Without it, the upper ocean LST changes from westward to eastward (ranging up to 4 Sv) and, with misaligned seasonality, triggering an inflow from the Mindoro Strait to the SCS to replenish the water mass loss. Discounting monsoon winds, sea level in the Sulu Sea is generally higher because it receives the Indonesian Throughflow before the SCS, which causes an inflow from the Sulu Sea to the SCS. On the other hand, the annual mean wind from the northeast invites outflow from the SCS to the Sulu Sea (or inflow from the Luzon Strait). Weighing the two competing factors together, we see the cessation of northeast monsoon as a condition favorable for the Luzon Strait outflow or the Mindoro Strait inflow.
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    Transient, seasonal and interannual variability of the Taiwan Strait Current.
    (Springer Netherlands, 2007-10-01) Wu, C.-R.; S.-Y. Chao; C. Hsu
    We have constructed a fine-resolution model with realistic bathymetry to study the spatial and temporal variations of circulation in the Taiwan Strait (TS). The TS model with a resolution of 3∼10 km derives its open boundary conditions from a larger-scale model. The QSCAT/NCEP winds and AVHRR SST provide forcing at the sea surface. Because of the high resolution in model grids and forcing, the model achieves a previously unavailable level of agreement with most observations. On biweekly time scales surface-trapped current reversals often lead to Strait transport reversals if the northeasterly wind bursts in winter are sufficiently strong. On seasonal time scales the northward current is the strongest in summer since both summer monsoon and pressure gradient force are northward. The summer northward current appears to be relatively unimpeded by the Changyun Rise (CYR) and bifurcates slightly near the surface. With the arrival of the northeast monsoon in fall, downwind movement of China Coastal Water (CCW) is blocked by the northward current near 25.5°N and 120°E. In winter, the northward current weakens even more as the northeasterly monsoon strengthens. The CCW moves downwind along the western boundary; the CYR blocks part of the CCW and forces a U-shaped flow pattern in the northern Strait. Past studies have failed to reveal an anticyclonic eddy that develops on the northern flank of CYR in winter. On interannual time scales a weakened northeast monsoon during El Niño reduces advection of the cold CCW from the north and enhances intrusion of warm water from the south, resulting in warming in the TS.
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    Physical and geographical origins of the South China Sea Warm Current
    (American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2008-08-01) Chiang T.-L.; C.-R. Wu; S.-Y. Chao
    We examine the formation mechanism of the South China Sea Warm Current in winter, using a high-resolution, numerical model. The current, noted for its ability to flow against the prevailing northeast monsoon in winter, has received considerable attentions in recent years. The collective wisdom from previous models points to two likely generation scenarios: occasional wind relaxation or the Kuroshio intrusion. The present model consistently points to the wind relaxation as the dominant mechanism. When comparing differences between previous models and ours, we also conclude that the Kuroshio intrusion helps, but is not chiefly responsible. Tracing the current to the source, we identify the elevated sea level in the Gulf of Tonkin, induced by the northeast monsoon, as the ultimate driving force. The presence of Hainan Island bears little importance in generating the current.
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    A numerical study on the formation of upwelling off northeast Taiwan
    (American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2008-08-01) Wu, C.-R.; H.-F. Lu; S.-Y. Chao
    We examined the spatial and temporal variations of upwelling off northeast Taiwan, using a fine-resolution numerical model with realistic bathymetry. The zonally running shelf break in the area deflects the Kuroshio seaward and produces upwelling on its on-shelf edge. The upwelling, in turn, manifests a cold dome or a cyclonic eddy. In depths below 150 m or so, the upwelling and hence the cyclonic eddy exist year-round. Above this depth, the eddy waxes and wanes as the upper portion of the Kuroshio migrates seaward and shoreward, respectively. The eddy event fluctuates in a wide range of timescales. Seasonally, the occurrence heavily favors summer rather than winter, because the mean Kuroshio axis migrates seaward in summer. Intraseasonally, the fluctuation contains two dominant periods centered at 70 days and 30 days. Local wind forcing and channeling by two local canyons do not affect the eddy statistics significantly.