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為迎合產業機電整合人才之需求,本校於民國 91年成立機電科技研究所,招收碩士班學生;隨後並於民國93年設立大學部,系所整合為「機電科技學系」,更於101學年度起招收博士班學生。103學年度本系更名為「機電工程學系」,本系所之發展方向與目標,係配合國家政策、產業需求與技術發展趨勢而制定。本系規劃專業領域包含「精密機械」及「光機電整合」 為兩大核心領域, 使學生不但學有專精,並具跨領域的知識,期能強化學生之應變能力,以適應多元變化的明日社會。
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Item 高精度管型線性馬達之摩擦分析及補償器設計(2011) 郭智瑋; Jr-Wei Guo本論文研究之目的為設計並實現新型的高精密定位平台,並且針對摩擦力進行分析與補償器的設計。摩擦力為一種非常複雜的物理現象,會降低運動控制系統的定位精度與追蹤性能。 本論文所設計的實驗平台為單軸的定位平台,行程為210mm,平台整體為52920067mm3。為了減輕定位平台重量,平台機構採用鋁合金,傳動機構採用線性滑軌,致動器則使用管型線性馬達來驅動平台。 在摩擦力補償方面,我們首先建立與分析系統之動態模型,然後利用摩擦力模型或滑動觀測針對滑軌之摩擦力做估測,分別結合PID控制器、適應控制器或適應模糊控制器來對摩擦力進行補償,消除摩擦力對定位平台的影響,由模擬與實驗結果證明此系統為可行的。Item 以電磁驅動之二維高精度定位平台設計與控制(2008) 周昌翰; Chang-Han Jou本論文研究之目的是設計並實現一新型、長行程、二自由度運動的微米級定位平台。本研究是基於本精密運動實驗室以前對於電磁驅動器研究之基礎,再結合機構之設計,進行一創新型之微米級微步進定位平台之研製作為本研究之主要課題。我們所設計之新型電磁推力精密定位系統,其構造是由兩個主動式之線圈與一個兩端鑲有永久磁鐵之被動式移動平台所組成,而其驅動原理是利用電磁線圈與永久磁鐵間所產生之相互作用力,藉由調整輸入電磁線圈之電流,而改變運動平台之位置。因此特殊之機構設計使本研究之定位系統運行時,具有兩倍之推力。 首先,我們先設計與實現定位系統受控裝置並且對其建立與分析系統之動態模型,而後則分別建立PID控制器、適應模糊控制器與適應滑動模式控制器並且對滑軌之摩擦力作補償設計。由模擬與實驗結果證明此系統為可行的。 本論文所設計的平台在X與Y二維度之最大行程可達 ,且最高解析度為 ,平台整體尺度為 。平台主體機構採用鋁合金材料,以減輕定位平台之重量,導引裝置採用上銀科技之線性滑軌;致動裝置則X軸與Y軸分別使用兩組電磁驅動致動器來達成定位平台二維之運動。Item Multi-stage Inference Fuzzy Logic Control(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 1997-07-01) Yeh, Zong-Mu; Chen, Hung-PinThis paper presents a methodology to the design of a multistage inference fuzzy controller in which the consequence in an inference stage is passed to the next stage as fact, and so forth. A new general method which is based on a performance index of the control system is used to generate fuzzy rule bases for the multistage inference. This proposed method can reduce the design cycle time. The new method has been applied to a two-trailer-and-truck system. The simulation studies showed that proposed method is feasible.Item A Bi-tree Multi-stage Inference Fuzzy Control System(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 1996-12-11) Yeh, Zong-Mu; Chen, Hung-PinThis paper presents a methodology for the design of a binary tree multi-stage inference fuzzy controller in which the consequence in an inference stage is passed to the next stage as fact, and so forth. A new general method which is based on a performance index of the control system is used to generate fuzzy rule bases for bi-tree multi-stage inference. This proposed method can be used to reduce the complexity of fuzzy rule sets. The new method has been applied to control a truck-and-two-trailer system. The simulation studies showed that the proposed method is feasible.Item A Systematic Approach for Design of Multistage Fuzzy Control Systems(Elsevier, 2004-04-16) Yeh, Zong-Mu; Li, Kuei-HsiangThis paper proposes a systematic approach for designing a multistage fuzzy logic controller (MFLC) for large scale nonlinear systems. In designing such a controller, the major tasks are to derive fuzzy rule bases, determine membership functions of input/output variables, and design input/output scaling factors. In this work, the fuzzy rule bases are generated by rule-generated functions which are based on the negative gradient of a system performance index. The membership functions of isosceles triangle of input/output variables are fixed in the same cardinality, and only the input/output scaling factors are optimized from a genetic algorithm based on a fitness function. As a result, the search space of the parameters is narrowed down to a small space so that the MFLC can be quickly constructed and the fuzzy rules and scaling factors can easily be determined. The performance of the proposed approach is examined by computer simulations on an inverted pendulum system. The performance of single stage structure, binary tree structure and skew-binary tree structure are compared. The binary tree structure has better performance and use fewer fuzzy rules in the illustrative example.Item A Novel Approach for Multi-Stage Inference Fuzzy Control(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 1998-12-01) Yeh, Zong-Mu; Chen, Hung-PinThis paper presents a methodology to the design of a multistage inference fuzzy controller in which the consequence in an inference stage is passed to the next stage as fact, and so forth. A new general method which is based on a performance index of the control system is used to generate fuzzy rule bases for the multistage inference. This proposed method can reduce the design cycle time. In order to reduce the computation time, a method for precomputing the match-degrees of fuzzy values is adopted. Thus, the number of operations that must be carried out at execution time can be significantly reduced. The new method has been applied to two applications, a two-trailer-and-truck system and a three-trailer-and-truck system. The simulation studies showed that the proposed method is feasible.Item A performance approach to fuzzy control design for nonlinear systems(Elsevier, 1994-06-24) Yeh, Zong-MuThis paper presents a systematic methodology to the design of a decentralized fuzzy logic controller for large-scale nonlinear systems. A new method which is based on a performance index of sliding mode control is used to derive fuzzy rules and an adaptive algorithm is used to reduce the chattering phenomenon. The simulation results of a two-inverted pendulum system and a two-link manipulator demonstrate that the attractive features of the proposed approach include a smaller residual error and robustness against nonlinear interactions.Item Adaptive Multivariable Fuzzy Logic controller(Elsevier, 1997-02-16) Yeh, Zong-MuThis paper presents a systematic methodology to the design of a multivariable fuzzy logic controller (MFLC) for large-scale nonlinear systems. A new general method which is based on a performance index of sliding motion is used to generate a fuzzy control rule base. Reducible input variables obtained from sliding motion are adopted as input variable of the fuzzy controller and the output scale factors of the MFLC are tuned by the switching variable. Thus, the determination of the input/output scale factors becomes easier and the system performance is significantly improved. The simulation results of a Puma 560 system and a two-inverted pendulum system demonstrate that the attractive features of this proposed approach include a smaller residual error and robustness against nonlinear interactions.