
Permanent URI for this communityhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/84


為迎合產業機電整合人才之需求,本校於民國 91年成立機電科技研究所,招收碩士班學生;隨後並於民國93年設立大學部,系所整合為「機電科技學系」,更於101學年度起招收博士班學生。103學年度本系更名為「機電工程學系」,本系所之發展方向與目標,係配合國家政策、產業需求與技術發展趨勢而制定。本系規劃專業領域包含「精密機械」及「光機電整合」 為兩大核心領域, 使學生不但學有專精,並具跨領域的知識,期能強化學生之應變能力,以適應多元變化的明日社會。













Search Results

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    Effects of mechanical agitation and surfactant additive on silicon anisotropic etching in alkaline KOH solution
    (Elsevier, 2005-03-28) Yang, Chii-Rong; Chen, Po-Ying; Chiou, Yuang-Cherng; Lee, Rong-Tsong
    Agitation is a key method that significantly affects silicon wet anisotropic etching quality including the etching rate and surface roughness. This study introduced the ultrasonic agitation to improve the roughness quality of etched (1 0 0) silicon plane in 30 wt.% KOH solution. These etching characteristics have been compared with those using magnetic stirring and no agitation. In ultrasonic agitation condition, the etching rate increases linearly with agitating power, but the surface roughness worsens. Although the etching rate always exceeds 1.2 μm/min and the average roughness, Ra is below 15 nm, the membrane microstructures are damaged easily by ultrasonic agitation. Moreover, the KOH solution with added anionic surfactant, dihexyl ester of sodium sulfosuccinic acid, is also used to evaluate the etching properties of (1 0 0) silicon under without agitation. Owing to increasing hydrophilic ability between the hydrogen bubble and silicon surface and the effect of silicon wettability, the etching properties are promoted drastically. Experimental results show that the average roughness, Ra can be reduced to 7.5 nm in aqueous KOH with anionic surfactant, which is about eight times better than achieved by the pure KOH solution without agitation for etching temperature of 100 °C. Meanwhile, the etching rate can be enhanced to 4.9 μm/min, which is 1.44 times better than that is obtainable in a pure KOH solution with ultrasonic agitation. The etching rate of the KOH solution with added surfactant is about twice that in the KOH solution with isopropyl alcohol (IPA) for etching temperature of 80 °C. Furthermore, this study also illustrates the reflectivity of etched surface for visible wavelength and the fabrication of thin film microstructures.