
Permanent URI for this communityhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/84


為迎合產業機電整合人才之需求,本校於民國 91年成立機電科技研究所,招收碩士班學生;隨後並於民國93年設立大學部,系所整合為「機電科技學系」,更於101學年度起招收博士班學生。103學年度本系更名為「機電工程學系」,本系所之發展方向與目標,係配合國家政策、產業需求與技術發展趨勢而制定。本系規劃專業領域包含「精密機械」及「光機電整合」 為兩大核心領域, 使學生不但學有專精,並具跨領域的知識,期能強化學生之應變能力,以適應多元變化的明日社會。













Search Results

Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Item
    Effects of various ion-typed surfactants on silicon anisotropic etching properties in KOH and TMAH solutions
    (Elsevier, 2005-03-28) Yang, Chii-Rong; Chen, Po-Ying; Yang, Cheng-Hao; Chiou, Yuang-Cherng; Lee, Rong-Tsong
    Three ion-typed surfactants, including anionic SDSS, cationic ASPEG and non-ionic PEG, which are powerful wetting agents in electroforming, were added to 30 wt.% KOH and 10 wt.% TMAH solutions to evaluate the silicon anisotropic etching properties of the (1 0 0) silicon plane without agitation and no IPA additive. The results indicate that the surfactant ion-types are not the main determinants of the silicon anisotropic etching properties in KOH and TMAH solutions. The wetting capacity of the etchants causes the efficacies of the etchants on the roughness to follow the order anionic SDSS, cationic ASPEG, non-ionic PEG and pure solution in KOH solutions, and the order cationic ASPEG, non-ionic PEG, pure solution and anionic SDSS in TMAH solutions, especially at higher etching temperatures. Moreover, the chemical activities of etchants differ so that the etching rates follow the order anionic SDSS, pure solution, non-ionic PEG and cationic ASPEG in KOH solutions, and the order anionic SDSS, pure solution, cationic ASPEG and non-ionic PEG in TMAH solutions at a given etching temperature. Anionic SDSS has the highest etching rate of 5.4 μm/min and the lowest surface roughness of 7.5 nm, which are about 1.69 times higher and 7.87 times lower, respectively, than those obtained in pure KOH solution. The cationic ASPEG has a reasonable etching rate of 0.7 μm/min and the lowest surface roughness of 4 nm in TMAH solutions for etching temperature of 100 °C. Furthermore, the surfactants used here were demonstrated to allow the utilization of usual mask materials and anionic SDSS can even increase the selectivity of silicon dissolution toward silicon dioxide in KOH solutions. A drastic reduction of the undercutting of the convex corners is obtained in TMAH solutions with non-ionic PEG surfactant. This finding reveals that the addition of non-ionic PEG to TMAH solutions is ideal when accurate profiles are required without extremely deep etching.
  • Item
    Study on anisotropic silicon etching characteristics in various surfactant-added tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide water solutions
    (IOP, 2005-09-20) Yang, Chii-Rong; Yang, Cheng-Hao; Chen, Po-Ying
    Three ion-typed surfactants, including anionic sodium dihexyl sulfosuccinate (SDSS), cationic ammonium salt of poly(ethylene glycol) (ASPEG) and non-ionic poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), were added to 10 wt% tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide water (TMAHW) solutions to evaluate the silicon anisotropic etching properties of the (1 0 0) silicon plane without agitation and no isopropyl alcohol (IPA) additive. The results indicate that the wetting capacity of the etchants cause the efficacies of the etchants on the roughness reduction to follow the order cationic ASPEG, non-ionic PEG, pure solution and anionic SDSS in TMAHW solutions, especially at high etching temperatures. Moreover, the chemical activities of the etchants cause the efficacies of the etchants on the etching rates to follow the order anionic SDSS, pure solution, cationic ASPEG and non-ionic PEG in TMAHW solutions at a given etching temperature. The cationic ASPEG has a reasonable etching rate of 0.7 µm min−1 and the lowest surface roughness of 4 nm in TMAHW solutions at an etching temperature of 100 °C. ASPEG and PEG in TMAHW solutions markedly affect aluminum passivation. The undercutting of the convex corners in PEG-added TMAHW solutions can be drastically reduced without using corner compensation; the undercutting ratio obtained using a PEG surfactant is about 45% lower than that obtained in pure TMAHW solution. This finding reveals that non-ionic PEG should be added to TMAHW solutions when accurate profiles are required without extremely deep etching. This study also demonstrated that non-ionic PEG is more appropriate than IPA for anisotropic silicon TMAHW etching.