
Permanent URI for this communityhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/84


為迎合產業機電整合人才之需求,本校於民國 91年成立機電科技研究所,招收碩士班學生;隨後並於民國93年設立大學部,系所整合為「機電科技學系」,更於101學年度起招收博士班學生。103學年度本系更名為「機電工程學系」,本系所之發展方向與目標,係配合國家政策、產業需求與技術發展趨勢而制定。本系規劃專業領域包含「精密機械」及「光機電整合」 為兩大核心領域, 使學生不但學有專精,並具跨領域的知識,期能強化學生之應變能力,以適應多元變化的明日社會。













Search Results

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Item
    A Problem-based Learning Management System Using Fuzzy Petri Net
    (2008-03-03) Chang, Wan-Jen; Chen, Hung-Pin; Yeh, Zong-Mu; Yeh, Po-Chun
    The e-learning system has been proposed in many collaborative learning environments to help learners. This study enhances e-learning system to computer-assisted problem-based learning system, investigates its effectiveness for gender communication in undergraduate students, and develops six learning phases to produce a workflow-based course definition in Gender communication. To manage these complex learning activities, a problem-based learning management system (PBLMS) based on fuzzy Petri nets (FPN) was proposed. In this study, we completed a problem-based learning project of gender communication with a sample of ninety undergraduates who register for the common course and empirically demonstrated results. Using the PBLMS-FPN system, the academic load of teachers in mass course environments can be reduced and higher quality education can be achieved.
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    Extended fuzzy Petri net for multi-stage fuzzy logic inference
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2000-05-07) Chen, Hung-Pin; Yeh, Zong-Mu
    Presents an extended fuzzy Petri net (EFPN) model to demonstrate the dynamic behavior of fuzzy inference systems during their executing process. The proposed EFPN model is based on our previously proposed fuzzy reasoning algorithms and implemented in a GUI environment to support visual views of the dynamic behavior. The EFPN components and function are mapped from the different type of fuzzy operators of if-parts and then-parts in fuzzy rules. Further, only active fuzzy operators of active fuzzy rules are shown in the GUI windows to present the dynamic behavior. On the other hand, low complexity of the entire proposed EFPN model is available due to the mapping from the proposed fuzzy reasoning algorithms. This proposed method can decrease computation time and provide clear and global views of the dynamic behavior to the designers to reduce their design effort. The EFPN model has been applied to control a truck-and-two-trailer system. The simulation results showed that the proposed method is feasible.
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    A self-organizing decentralized fuzzy neural net controller
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 1995-03-20) Yeh, Zong-Mu; Chen, Hung-Pin
    This paper presents a self-organizing decentralized learning controller using fuzzy control and neurocontrol for large-scale nonlinear systems. A new online unsupervised learning method which is based on a performance index of sliding mode control is used to train the fuzzy neural net controller to obtain control actions. To overcome the interactions between the subsystems, a learning algorithm is adopted to modify the control input to improve the system performance. The effectiveness and the performance of the proposed approach are illustrated by the simulation results of a two-inverted pendulum system and a two-link manipulator. The attractive features also include a smaller residual error and robustness against nonlinear interactions.
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    Multi-stage Inference Fuzzy Logic Control
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 1997-07-01) Yeh, Zong-Mu; Chen, Hung-Pin
    This paper presents a methodology to the design of a multistage inference fuzzy controller in which the consequence in an inference stage is passed to the next stage as fact, and so forth. A new general method which is based on a performance index of the control system is used to generate fuzzy rule bases for the multistage inference. This proposed method can reduce the design cycle time. The new method has been applied to a two-trailer-and-truck system. The simulation studies showed that proposed method is feasible.
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    A Bi-tree Multi-stage Inference Fuzzy Control System
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 1996-12-11) Yeh, Zong-Mu; Chen, Hung-Pin
    This paper presents a methodology for the design of a binary tree multi-stage inference fuzzy controller in which the consequence in an inference stage is passed to the next stage as fact, and so forth. A new general method which is based on a performance index of the control system is used to generate fuzzy rule bases for bi-tree multi-stage inference. This proposed method can be used to reduce the complexity of fuzzy rule sets. The new method has been applied to control a truck-and-two-trailer system. The simulation studies showed that the proposed method is feasible.
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    A Novel Approach for Multi-Stage Inference Fuzzy Control
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 1998-12-01) Yeh, Zong-Mu; Chen, Hung-Pin
    This paper presents a methodology to the design of a multistage inference fuzzy controller in which the consequence in an inference stage is passed to the next stage as fact, and so forth. A new general method which is based on a performance index of the control system is used to generate fuzzy rule bases for the multistage inference. This proposed method can reduce the design cycle time. In order to reduce the computation time, a method for precomputing the match-degrees of fuzzy values is adopted. Thus, the number of operations that must be carried out at execution time can be significantly reduced. The new method has been applied to two applications, a two-trailer-and-truck system and a three-trailer-and-truck system. The simulation studies showed that the proposed method is feasible.