
Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/37072


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    Functions of nonsuicidal self-injury among Chinese community adolescents.�
    (ELSEVIER, 2013-08-01) You J; in MP; Fu K; Leung F
    This study examined functions of nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) among a large sample of Chinese high school students over a six-month period. Among Chinese adolescents, we identified three factors of NSSI functions, namely, Affect Regulation, Social Influence, and Social Avoidance. Affect Regulation was the most frequently endorsed function of NSSI, followed by Social Influence and Social Avoidance. Adolescent male self-injurers were more likely to endorse the Social Influence function than their female counterparts. Moderate/Severe Self-injurers did not differ from Minor Self-injurers on the endorsement of various NSSI functions. All functions of NSSI exhibited small to moderate stability over the six-month assessment period. Findings suggest that Chinese adolescents engaged in NSSI for multiple reasons. These reasons also varied considerably over time within individuals. Assessment of NSSI should thus regularly assess functions of the behavior.
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    Why adolescents begin and stop nonsuicidal self-injury? A one-year follow-up study.
    (2013-01-01) You J; in MP; Fu K; Leung F
    This study examined risk and protective factors for nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) among a large sample of Chinese community adolescents at two waves over a one-year follow-up period. We predicted the initiation and stop of NSSI by changes in various NSSI correlates in 4,782 school adolescents. Participants completed questionnaires assessing NSSI, emotional vulnerability, family invalidation, depressive symptoms, BPD features, unstable relationship, unstable sense of self, unstable mood, and behavioral impulsivity. Results showed that increases in depressive symptoms, unstable relationship, and behavioral impulsivity put adolescents at a significantly higher risk for future engagement in NSSI. On the other hand, decreases in depressive symptoms, hedonic impulsive behaviors and impulsive substance use made adolescents less likely to continue NSSI. This study indicated the importance of distinguishing risk factors from protective factors for NSSI among adolescents.
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    (2013-01-01) 林倩如; 王智弘; 林旻沛
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    Counselling licensure in Taiwan.�
    (The Asian Professional Counselling Association, 2013-01-01) Chang, S.-H.; Bhat, C. B.
    Counsellor credentialing is one mechanism by which high standards of professionalism and ethics are upheld by counsellors, thereby protecting consumers of counselling services. Licensure is the most stringent form of counsellor credentialing, as it is a governmentally sanctioned credentialing and backed by law, regulating the title and practice of counselling. Licensure for counsellors in Taiwan is a relatively recent phenomenon introduced in 2001, while in the USA it has existed since the 1970s in some states. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the requirements for counselling licensure in Taiwan and to compare these with licensure requirements in the State of Ohio in the USA where counselling licensure has been evolving since 1983. Suggestions to strengthen and refine counselling licensure in Taiwan are presented and discussed.
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    (2010/8-2011/7) 程景琳
    國中生之關係攻擊與關係受害 ─社會認知與情感層面之相關特性探討 青少年同儕間的攻擊行為是校園中亟需處理的問題,除了會明顯造成身體傷害的外顯肢體攻擊行為之外,另一種相對隱匿的攻擊行為─關係攻擊,也是不容忽視的。關係攻擊是指藉由破壞他人的人際關係或社交聲望而達傷害目的之攻擊行為,而關係受害則是指遭遇關係攻擊的受害狀況。過去研究發現,關係攻擊的現象在青少年早期階段可能是高峰期,而其對個體造成在社會心理適應困難上的傷害並不亞於外顯肢體攻擊。延續研究者之前的研究結果,擬於本研究中針對關係攻擊之社會認知因素、與關係受害之情感特性再加以探討。研究參與者為840位台灣北、中、南部之國中生,將以同儕提名問卷及自陳方式,分別界定出班級中的關係攻擊者及關係受害者。另將翻譯編製三份量表以探討與關係攻擊相關之社會認知因素─關係攻擊之規範信念、關係攻擊之自我效能、與關係攻擊之結果預期;與編擬三份量表以探討與關係受害相關之情感認知特性─社會評價在意度、拒絕敏感度、與同儕認可需求度。冀由本研究之結果,得以對台灣青少年的關係攻擊加害與受害相關之心理因素,能有更進一步之了解。
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    A cultural perspective on codependency and its treatment.
    (The Asian Professional Counselling Association, 2012-01-01) Chang, S.-H.�