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    (2005-07-31) 宋曜廷; 林清山
    本研究為三年期計畫。第一年的 成果為開發具多重策略的閱讀輔 助系統(Computer Assisted Strategies Teaching and Learning Environment, CASTLE) ,第二年 的成果為針對此一系統的應用效 果進行實徵研究。第一年和第二 年均獲得令人滿意的成果,除參 與國際研討會發表外,目前已有 一篇中文論文(TSSCI)已經發表 於測驗學刊(宋曜廷、劉佩雲、簡馨 瑩(2003):閱讀動機量表的修訂和應 用。測驗年刊, 46, 22-38),另一篇論 文成果目前在SSCI 期刊Journal of Experimental Education 審查 中(如附件一)。系統實做成果也 已經上線在多所小學中應用(其 網址為:。第三年 的成果為將第二年的成果與總計 畫中的潛在語意分析技術(LSA) 相結合,讓CASTLE 具有適性教 學的功能。此部分的成果為編制 閱讀策略表現測驗,並結合LSA的技術(在本測驗中為將測驗的 知識整合之分量表,與LSA 的語 意資料庫相整合,建立聯想常 模,以判斷學生的知識整合能 力)。目前由於第一版本的測驗在 信效度的檢驗上不夠理想(如附 件四),因此即將就新修訂的第二 版本(如附件二),進行信效度檢 驗。如果達到理想的程度,將於 94 年底與CASTLE 進行整合,並 進行新的實徵研究。預計95 年中 將有包括閱讀策略表現測驗,和 適性化閱讀策略教學等方面的新 的研究成果。
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    (2003-07-31) 宋曜廷; 林清山
    On enhancing reading ability, one of the methods most often recommended by researchers is reading strategy instruction. Reading strategy instruction is found to be highly effective both in dealing with problems on the vocabulary level (Sindelar, Monda, & O'Shea, 1990) and higher-level issues such as text comprehension (De Corte, Verschaffel, & De Van, 2001; Johnson-Glenberg, 2000). Paris & Paris (2001) postulated that there are several important characteristics in successful reading strategy instruction: (1) using multiple strategies; (2) presenting clear messages for application, such as why, when and how to use the strategies; (3) making students attribute their learning achievements to the correct use of strategies; (4) applying strategies in peer interaction; (5) incorporating cognitive strategies into a more wide-ranging domain of self-regulated learning; (6) embedding strategies in the reading activities in daily life to provide more opportunities for application and practice.
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    (2004-07-31) 宋曜廷; 林清山
    In this study the attending-selecting-organizing-integrating-monitoring (ASOIM) model, revised from Mayer's (1996) SOI model of text comprehension, was used as a foundation to design a user-friendly, multi-strategy based Computer Assisted Strategies Teaching and Learning Environment (CASTLE), aiming to enhance learners' strategy use and text comprehension. The application effects of CASTLE on students with different reading ability were empirically evaluated. 130 sixth-graders took part in an 11-week of computer-based reading strategy instruction. The results show that CASTLE helps enhance the strategy-use and text comprehension abilities in students with both high and low reading abilities.