
Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/45011


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    Social Trend Tracking by Time Series Based Social Tagging Clustering
    (2011-09-15) 柯皓仁; Chen, Shihn-Yuarn; Tseng, Tzu-Ting; Ke, Hao-Ren; Sun, Chuen-Tsai
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    Structure and pattern of social tags for keyword selection behaviors.
    (2012-07-01) 柯皓仁; Ke, Hao-Ren; Chen, Ya-Ning
    This article identifies patterns and structures in the social tagging of scholarly articles in CiteULike. Using a dataset of 4,215 tags attributed to 1,600 scholarly articles from 15 library and information science journals, a network was built to understand users’ information organization behavior. Social network analysis and the frequent-pattern tree method were used to discover the implicit patterns and structures embedded in social tags as well as in their use, based on 26 proposed tag categories. The pattern and structure of this network of social tags is characterized by power-law distribution, centrality, co-used tag categories, role sharing among tag categories, and similar roles of tag categories in associating distinct tag categories. Furthermore, researchers generated 21 path-based decision-making sub-trees providing valuable insights into user tagging behavior for information organization professionals. The limitations of this study and future research directions are discussed.
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    (國家實驗研究院科技政策與資訊中心, 2012-11-07) 柯, 皓仁; Ke, Hao-Ren
    自2009年左右,資源探索服務一詞面世以來,受到圖書館界的熱烈討論,不少資源探索服務因運而生。資源探索服務乃是由聯合索引和資源探索層所構成,藉由兩者的搭配提供使用者單一的檢索介面,同時檢索圖書館自有、訂購和公開取用的多樣化資源,並提供相關排序、層面瀏覽、個人化與社群服務等功能。本文的主旨在於闡述資源探索服務的特性,並歸納整理資源探索服務的功能指標,供圖書館界選擇資源探索服務時參考。 A Web-scale discovery service (discovery service, for short) is a new service that may realize the discovery and delivery of high-quality information in the library. A discovery service is composed of a unified index and a discovery layer. The unified index pre-harvests and pre-indexes a variety of information resources, including the MARC records created by the library, the metadata of the institutional repository or digital content management system of the library, the metadata and full-text (for indexing) of the databases and electronic journals subscribed by the library, and the metadata and full-text (for indexing) of open-access systems. A user can then search the contents in the unified index through the discovery layer. The discovery layer incorporates functionality such as relevance ranking, facet navigation, personalized service and social networking service. This article aims at explicating the features of a discovery service, and draw the functionality indicators that may be adopted and(or) amended by any library which wants to purchase a discovery service.
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    (臺北市立圖書館, 2013-12-15) 柯, 皓仁; Ke, Hao-Ren
    圖書館績效評估是圖書館整體品質管理的一環,藉由任務與目標的制 定,研擬資源分配與行動方案,再運用績效評估衡量行動方案的成果是否 契合任務與目標。近年來,由於政經社會環境的改變,民眾、社區與政府 皆要求公共圖書館展現其營運成效,是以公共圖書館績效評估愈形重要。 本文闡述圖書館績效評估的定義,再介紹德國、美國、以及我國實施之公 共圖書館績效評估相關計畫;最後,則說明從投入、產出層面的績效評估 進展到成效評估。 Performance evaluation is a part of quality management for any organization. Specifically, a library defines her missions and goals first; draws up her resource allocation and action plans accordingly; then exploits performance evaluation to measure if the achievement of her plans meets her missions and goals. Recently, due to the change in political, economic and societal environment, general public, communities, and governments require public libraries to present their achievement; therefore, performance measurement is increasingly important. This article explicates the definition of performance measurement, introduces related projects conducted in Germany, USA, and Taiwan. Finally, it describes outcome measurement.