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Item 使用數值模擬深入了解颱風引起臺灣東北海域降溫(2023) 吳欣茹; Wu, Hsin-Ju夏季颱風通過後,多次在臺灣東北角龍洞外海引起海表溫下降。2001~2020年18個第5類颱風中有3個颱風路徑十分相似,分別是2001年的尤特(Utor)、2008年的如麗(Nuri)和2008年的哈格比(Hagupit)。然而透過龍洞浮標海表溫資料觀察發現這3個颱風對龍洞海域造成的降溫幅度卻差異甚大,尤特颱風期間下降最多達8.8℃,如麗期間降溫為2.7℃,而哈格比期間海表溫下降幅度僅1.4℃。前人文獻指出,臺灣周遭海域颱風引起之海表降溫與颱風行進軌跡間有良好之關係,為了進一步釐清為何相近軌跡之颱風卻引起近岸海表溫降有如此顯著之差異,本研究使用區域海洋模擬系統模式(Regional Ocean Modeling System, ROMS),重建此三相近軌跡颱風個別引起之上層海洋響應。同時,為了瞭解潮汐可能對颱風引起降溫過程造成之影響,本研究於數值實驗中亦納入了潮汐作用。透過實驗設計以及熱收支守恆方程診斷分析,探討各物理過程對三個颱風期間海表降溫所造成之影響。模擬結果顯示在尤特颱風期間,東海黑潮入侵最為顯著,亦驅動較強的次層冷水抬升,進而導致較大幅度的海表溫降,如麗東海黑潮入侵幅度最小,次層冷水抬升較不明顯,海表溫降幅度亦較弱,表東海黑潮入侵在近岸海表溫降中扮演著重要的角色,而模擬在納入潮汐效應會強化冷卻響應,並使其更接近真實情況。這三個相似路徑和強度的颱風在臺灣東北海域引起不同的區域風,尤特期間龍洞海域出現強東北風,為三者之中最有利於東海黑潮入侵之風力條件,此與颱風半徑有關。另外,從理想實驗可以得知區域風為主要驅動東海黑潮入侵的因素,海洋的部分初始場對降溫影響較小,潮時則影響較為明顯。熱收支分析結果顯示,三個颱風降溫過程溫度變化主要是受到垂直平流項影響,而潮餘流則會透過垂直平流項強化近表層的冷卻響應。最後,當颱風移動至南海時,流向轉為西北,進而造成臺灣海峽流速增加,流速快且溫暖的臺灣海峽流流經龍洞海域,使海表水溫回復。Item 投落送數量與排列對於杜鵑颱風(2015)模擬的影響(2022) 蔡杰珉; Tsai, Chieg-Min杜鵑(Dujuan)颱風於 2015 年 9 月 20 日形成,並於 28 日登陸台灣,經過中 央山脈後路徑向南偏移再往北進行。27 日飛機偵察及投落送觀測實驗 (Dropwindsonde Observation for Typhoon Surveillance near the TAiwan Region ;DOTSTAR),又名追風計畫以「全球定位衛星投落送」(GPS Dropsonde)進行飛機觀測。本研究採用 NCEP 之 GFS 全球模式初始場資料進行 數值模擬實驗,並利用 WRF 模式以及 3DVAR 資料同化方式針對杜鵑颱風進行模 擬,除了投落送觀測資料之外,還另外以 Bogus 虛擬渦漩強化後的初始場作為 虛擬投落送並以不同的數量以及排列共設計了 8 組實驗,藉以探討投落送位置 以及數量對於杜鵑颱風模擬的影響。模擬結果顯示,投落送同化個數為 14 個的真實投落送 Real Drop 組與其相同 經緯度但投落送資料取自於渦漩初始化後的初始場的 Sim Drop 組,兩組表現上 不只颱風模擬路徑較為偏北以及颱風模擬強度上皆弱於觀測,所以另外設計了 也為強化後初始場而取得的虛擬投落送且數量分別為 26 個的 Bogus Drop1、32 個 Bogus Drop2 組別,根據此結果探討投送送的數量以及排列對於杜鵑颱風路 徑的影響,利用 500 hPa 以及 850 hPa 的駛流場分析出 Real Drop 有更多往北 的向量,而進一步發現垂直結構上的不對稱為影響杜鵑颱風路徑之關鍵因素。此外,使用 Bogus Drop2 的結構下衍生出 IHOL、IHOM、IHOH、ILOL、ILOM、 ILOH 六組實驗,虛擬投落送涵蓋範圍從 Bogus Drop2 的半徑 600km 縮小到 300km,也分別做出排列與數量上的差異,為內核區虛擬投落送數量為 6 個的 IH 組、2 個的 IL 組;外核區虛擬投落送數量為 12 個的 OL 組、18 個的 OM 組、 36 個的 OH 組,而模擬結果顯示 IHOH 組別在平均路徑誤差上有較佳的模擬結 果,在此個案中內核區以及外圍區有較多的虛擬投落送,能獲得更好的模擬路 徑。Item 南海與呂宋海峽渦漩動力之研究(2009) 許瑋真Satellite observations have shown the abundance of generally westward-propagating eddies in the subtropical regions in the North Pacific Ocean, especially north of 10°N. Eddies transport mass, and can significantly impact the circulation as well as the heat, salt and nutrient balances of the western Pacific marginal seas. This study uses a numerical model to examine the conditions when eddies can or cannot freely propagate westward through the Luzon Strait into the South China Sea (SCS). Composite analyses on the 10-year model data show that the fates of eddies depend on the strength and path of the Kuroshio. In one path which exists mostly during fall and winter, the Kuroshio loops westward into the SCS, the potential vorticity (PV) across the current is weak, and eddies are likely to propagate freely through the Luzon Strait. In another path which exists mostly during spring and summer, the Kuroshio tends to leap directly northward bypassing the SCS, the PV across it strengthens, and eddies are then blocked and are constrained to also follow the northward path. Nonlinear eddy-current interaction and the existence of a cyclone north of the Luzon Island during the looping phase explain why eddies of both signs can pass through the strait. It is shown also that the upstream state of the Kuroshio in the western tropical Pacific plays an important role in dictating the different paths of the Kuroshio. The looping (leaping) path is caused by a weakened (stronger) Kuroshio transport related to the northward (southward) shift of the North Equatorial Current in wintertime (summertime). During El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events, the Kuroshio weakens and a large portion of the Philippine Sea water passes through the Luzon Strait. The intensity of the Kuroshio is capable of influencing the seasonal upwelling in the SCS. Seasonal upwelling events along the east coast of Vietnam and west coast of Luzon have been demonstrated by satellite data. In a normal year, a strong eastward jet is associated with the cooling and upwelling off Vietnam. Strong ENSO events have been recorded in the years 1997 and 1998: the satellite data clearly show a vigorous upwelling off Vietnam in August 1997, but a wan one in August 1998. Abnormal warming interrupts the normal upwelling generated off Vietnam and Luzon. Two defined indicators of sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA), the upwelling off the coast of East Vietnam in summer and off the coast of west Luzon Island, reveal seasonal upwelling activities. Both these upwellings appear in normal years, but they diminish during the active warming period. The seasonal upwelling dynamics is dependent on ENSO and is also coherent with the South Eastern Tropical Indian Ocean (SETIO). The intensity of prevailing monsoon varies the proportion of the response to oceanic circulation and heat content, that is, weak monsoons do not promote water in vertical motion and less heat is released. The ocean heat content anomaly (OHCA) indicates whether the budgets for both the ascending and descending heat content are initiated at the western boundary. Although the OHCA in conjunction with the vortex has not been directly reported, the results of model dynamics studies are favorably comparable with the satellite data. Large-scale Indian-Pacific Ocean meteorological variations have certain strong impacts on the SCS. The teleconnection between ocean and atmosphere shows that the seasonal upwelling is controlled by the complex interplay between the internal and external sea-air interacting processes. The regional monsoon system changes rapidly in response to oceanic variations. The weak wind stress curl during the evolution of the La Niña cycle of 1998 affects the atmosphere-ocean coupling and hampers the generation of the upwelling. Variations in both the large-scale air-sea interaction and the strength of the Kuroshio transport impact (1) the generation of vortices over the SCS and (2) the path of movement vortices in the Luzon Strait.Item 台灣北部夏季午後降雨機制與地形影響之探討(2010) 歐安祥為了瞭解夏季台灣北部午後降雨機制,本研究以WRF Model針對2008年夏季午後降雨個案進行數值模擬,共挑選3個午後強降雨個案進行天氣分析,分別為2008年6月28日、8月17日以及8月23日。研究結果顯示,數值模式可掌握北部區域午後對流胞的生成、移動到消散之環境動力與熱力機制,且發現夏季對流系統發展受北部地形影響明顯,包括環境風場與地形輻合作用、淡水和基隆河口於白天海風的建立、午後雪山山脈西側下坡風的發展,以及台北盆地日間之增溫效應等。 利用模擬氣流線變化,發現上游氣流遇中央山脈南端地形分流角度不同,於台灣北部海域合流位置也有所不同,於台灣西南海域之氣流越接近南-北走向,下游合流區越靠近台灣北方海域,若西南海域風場之西風分量較多,合流位置則較靠近宜蘭東方海域,綜觀環境流場與合流區位置不同,將影響台灣北部風場結構,進而改變對流激發型態與發展趨勢。模擬近地面風場受地形影響之強輻合帶比較,發現對流發展期近地面輻合帶位置各不相同,隨後對流發展與此時輻合帶位置有密切關係。 發現上午盆地加熱率增加,建立平原往盆地之風場,對於盆地風場變化扮演重要角色。由對流垂直結構分析,發現對流胞內有強盛上升氣流,且中層有水平強風區存在時,環流風場隨高度向水平風下游方向傾斜,並將部分雨滴帶到雲區下游,使降雨範圍延伸較廣。而海風環流與山風界面於模擬中有一鋒區存在,依空氣性質差異,區分為淡水河口至雪山山脈切面的山風鋒區,與台北盆地至基隆河口切面的海風鋒區,鋒區上方垂直速度較強,並於近地面伴隨強輻合區,因此強對流胞多發生於鋒區位置。