
Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/194


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    (地理學系, 1987-03-??) 陳富美
    In establishing the China Mission, the Jesuit Fathers also acted as conveyors of western science, notably geography and astronomy to China. The remarkable maps and atlases of China which Father Matteo-Ricci and his successors made and sent back to Europe are available in some libraries. The Austrian National Library has some Chinese Maps and Atlases, especially well known were those of Ricci, Sanbiasi, Schall, Verbiest and others. Ricci was encouraged to produce an even larger map designed for a twelve-panel screen, measuring three by two metres and which was printed from carved wood blocks, and published in Peking on August 17, 1602. Ricci’s work in the propagation of geographical knowledge was carried on by his successors in China. Ricci’s map of 1602 may be regarded as the most important relic of early European cartography in China. Ricci’s influence continued well into the 17th century. Father Francesco Sanbiasi (1582-1649) followed Ricci to China and his maps are similar to Ricci in various features. In 1648 in the city of Canton, he produced his oval world map in Chinese. Chinese interest in western science was inspired not only by intellectual curiosity but also by something more practical: the urgent need to reform the calendar which governed all the affairs of official life. Father Johann Adam Schall von Bell arrived in China in 1622, bringing with him the first telescope ever in China. He compiled a calendar for the emperor and in the same year Schall drew up a great map of the heavens. After Schall, the Jesuit Father Ferdinand Verbiest in 1659 came to China. He was appointed “Summus Praefectus Academiae" in 1667. In 1669 he refitted the Peking Observatory with modern astronomical instruments. He made a great map of the world in two hemispheres, each 1.75 metres in diameter, which was published in 1674. This material constitutes the field of my research and it is my desire the others may benefit from it and continue to make
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    (地理學系, 1995-10-??) 徐勝一; 陳國彥; 翁國盈; 丘逸民
    Unusual precipitation refers to any precipitating subject but commomly observed raindrops, snowflakes, and hails. They include dust, sand, feather, silk, rice, grass, charcal, fish, meat, bone, worm, gold, coin, bloody-rain, bloody-snow and etc. A research project on "Reconstruction of Climate Data from Ancient Chinese History" was proposed by this study group and is funded by the National Science Council. Excerpts of unusual precipitation records from an edited computer file are the bases for analysis and discussion in this article. Causes of most of these precipitating subjects may be interpreted through meteorological consequences; such as typhoon, tornado, and dust-storm. While some of the peculiar events; such as sky-falling meat, coin, gold and etc. still remain unknown and reserved for further investigation.
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    (地理學系, 1990-03-??) 丁驌
    As a sequel to the previous paper so named (Studies in Geog 7., p. 128-170) 1983, this paper discussed further the c1assificationof settlements. The lists of individual names were expanded from 171 to 338. The occurrences of compound nomenclature through demographic growth as well as political status were also discussed. Nomenclature of settlements in the provinces of Honan, Kwangtung, Fukien and Taiwan including areas of Canton, Amoy, Hainan Island, Tsung-yi of Kwei-chow were also included. The major conclusions were: 1) Settlement names of Fukien, Kwangtung and Taiwan are historically related through immigration of Chinese people into Taiwan. 2) Two ethnic groups of people must have come from the north into northern Kwangtung and from there migrated eastward into Fukien and westward into the southwest of China and into Vietnam. 3) The distribution of certain names such as Kon (坑), Hsu (墟), Hsi (漢), Ping (坪), Fong (坊) were found to reflect topographical control. 4) Certain nomenclature in Taiwan were a result of Chinese rendering of local dialects. The Chinese character thus created carried only the original sound and not the meaning. Popula?tion growth and political influence of the past forty years had also created new settlement names reflecting these changes. Two special terminalogy: the Kuan (關) and the Kou (口) meaning Gates and Passes were found to indicate the movement of Chinese from north to south especially since the Han dynasty.
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    On a Environmental Philosophy
    (地理學系, 2007-11-??) 榧根勇
    地球暖化顯示近代(modernity)非合理性的明確證據。近代將結束,近代哲學的支柱是笛卡兒(Rene’ Desccartes)的二元論,那是忽視人心對自然的效應,腦科學、認知科學、生命科學、火箭工學等,明示過去約十年的科學證實,笛卡兒的二元論有基不 合理處。後近代哲學是非二元論,為了近代新哲學的說明,列舉Ken Wilber的萬物理論,Erin Laszlo的AKasic(資訊)場,清水博的偏在性生命,中田力的腦理論等要點。基於新哲學提出新環境哲學。為了提安的新環境哲學應用的可能性採用 Wilber的四象限架構,對中國雲南省麗江古城的環境問題實施現地調查,最後對不發生環境問題的後近代「次社會system」的建構所必要的模式加以考 察。
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    (地理學系, 1996-05-??) 潘桂成
    Rice, wheat, maize, Kaoleung and millet are the five staple cereal crops in China today. However, according to the conclusive agricultural history, all of the cereal crops except milet were introduced into China after Neolithic Age: rice from India, wheat from Western Asia, magize from Cantral America, and Kaoleung from East African Plateau.With the basic geographic concept of regional areal differenciation, the author does not even agree with this single-origin theory in historical agricultural geography. This article is intended to study the said cereal crops in amcient China with a new point of views. Philological Geograhy is a "Brand New Field in Geography", named by the author. Philological Geography, in general and surface meaning, may be defined as a way to study "philology" with geagraphic theory and approaches. Geographers condisder "Language, Verbe1 and writter" as a type of cultural Landscapes, whcih man made them to reveal a cultural process of perceiving, evaluating and constructing the world. If so, geographers shall be possible and capable to reconstruct the ancient environmental landscapes thought the retrogressive method focusing on the "embryology and evolution" of philogical. Anyhow, philological geography is author's ambitious attemption to break through traditional philological study. It compiles retaled materials from various fields like philology, history. anthropology, archaeology, mythology, geology, into geographic study. This attemption is inmature and may be too board to handle perfectly. The author wishes to receive sincere critique as well as suggestion. All ranges of feed-back regarding this research are thankfully welcome and appreciated.