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Item 原子島在金屬/半導體介面的成長研究 (以鈷/銀/鍺(111)為例)(2012) 黃筱嵐; Xiao-Lan HuangThe thermal reaction of Co on Ag/Ge(111)-(√3×√3)/(4×4) phases was studied by scanning tunneling microscopy, low energy electron diffraction, and Auger electron spectroscopy. Firstly, we address on the controversies over the chemical composition of Co islands by examining the thermal reaction of Co on "Ag/Ge(111)-" √3×√3 phase, as well as the coexisting Ag/Ge(111)-4×4 phase. From the study, one finds that Ag atoms shift from (4×4) phase to (√3×√3) phase because of the interaction between Co and the surface. The fact suggests that it is on the surface where Ag-less phase (4×4) transforms into Ag-richer phase (√3×√3). Secondly, we proof that (√13×√13) periodicity is composed of Co-Ge alloy, whereas (2×2) periodicity is composed of pure Co. Thirdly, we realize that it is "Ag/Ge(111)-" √3×√3 preventing Co from diffusing into substrate when annealing the surface at the temperature between 320 K and 730 K. It is known that Co"-" 2×2 islands grown on Ag/Ge(111)-√3×√3 surface are in hcp structure with a (11-20) orientation. The island evolution involves the shape transformation of a unit cell from parallelogram into rectangular. Meanwhile, the shape of the island shifts from hexagonal to stripe. In additions, it is identified that Co-2×2 islands grow along two crystallographic directions: pseudo-[0001] and pseudo-[1-100]. We observe a lateral shift between the topmost and the underlying bilayers for islands which grow along pseudo-[0001] direction. On the other hands, no lateral shift is perceived for those growing along pseudo-[1-100] direction. In terms of the strain–relaxation of Co-2×2 islands grown on Ag/Ge(111)-√3×√3 surface, we analyze the images taken by scanning tunneling microscopy. From the studies, one realizes a common fact that Co"-" 2×2 islands adopt a more compact arrangement than Ge(111) substrate does, whereas each Co-2×2 island is different in the degree of atomic compactness. Yet, we do not observe any distinct relationship between strain–relaxation and the island height. In addition, we identify three different groups of islands from analyzing the correspondence between the strain–relaxation and the island size: (i) small islands (less than 80 nm2) with fixed inter-row distances in high atomic compactness, (ii) small islands with unfixed inter-row distances, and (iii) big islands (bigger than 80 nm2) with fixed inter-row distances in less compact atomic arrangement, as compared to the first two groups. Based on the obtained information, we propose the model that explains the relationship between the strain–relaxation and the island size. Regarding electronic structure, we study "Ag/Ge(111)-" 4×4 phase, "Ag/Ge(111)-" √3×√3 phase, Co"-" 2×2 island, and "CoxGey-" √13×√13 island by means of scanning tunneling spectroscopy at room temperature. Similar to the one acquired from "Ge(111)-c" 2×8, the spectrum obtained from Ag/Ge(111)-4×4 structure reveals a shoulder at 0.7 V, which indicates that Ge adatoms were donated to the electronic states of the Ag-driven phase. However, the electronic spectrum taken from the "CoxGey-" √13×√13 island shows a large number of peaks, which indicates the complex bonding between "CoxGey-" √13×√13 island and the substrate. In addition, the spectra obtained from the Co-2×2 island grown on the step demonstrate a number of peaks at negative sample bias, which is different comparing to those taken from the Co-2×2 island located on the terrace. The phenomenon explains the various Co-substrate interactions, which are accompanied with the growth of Co islands at different areas of the stepped surface.Item 鎳在鍺(111)-c(2x8)及銀/鍺(111)-(√3x√3)表面上的成長(2012) 李振豪; Jhen-Hao Li在室溫下蒸鍍少量鎳原子於鍺(111)-c(2x8)重構之上,並以掃描穿隧顯微鏡觀測其在不同加熱退火溫度下的改變。隨著加熱退火溫度的提升,原先分散於樣品之上的原子團聚集並形成了四種具有不同結構的原子島。當加熱退火溫度再度提升之後,表面上的原子島全數消失,只剩下極少量不規則的原子團,推測消失的原子島已鑽入基底之下。 在鍺(111)-c(2x8)重構之上蒸鍍銀並加熱退火使樣品表面轉變為銀/鍺(111)-(√3x√3)重構後,於室溫蒸鍍少量鎳原子並以掃描穿隧顯微鏡觀測其表面結構在不同加熱退火溫度下的改變並與鎳鍺系統的實驗結果比較,STM圖像顯示銀能夠保護基底不受鎳原子的破壞,然而在加熱退火溫度提升的過程中,原子島的總體積亦隨之上升,顯示銀並無法完全阻止鎳原子與基底形成合金。而在樣品表面上發現的三種不同結構的原子島中,其中一種未曾於鎳鍺系統中發現,代表銀在此系統中起了很大的作用。Item 鎳在銀/矽(111)-(√3 × √3 )表面上聚集分布和熱力衍化的研究(2011) 張國偉蒸鍍鎳原子於銀/矽(111)-(√3×√3)表面上,變化其鍍量和溫度,並藉由STM觀測鎳原子的聚集分布和熱力衍化。固定溫度於室溫改變鍍量,鎳原子會形成鎳原子團,若鍍量大於0.2 ML,部分鎳原子團會合併形成鎳島,且鎳原子團與鎳島均隨鍍量上升而逐漸變大。 固定鍍量改變溫度,含鎳原子團在300℃以下會逐漸向銀島邊緣聚集,且於300℃逐漸形成外型為幾何形的Ni2Si-δ(2×1)島,並於200~300℃有往塊材擴散的行為,由銀島交界處鑽入裡層,使得表面鎳鍍量下降,於400℃銀原子開始退吸附,使原先被銀覆蓋住的鎳矽化合物變成NiSi2再度露出表面。 升溫至600、700℃時,銀原子已經完全退吸附,而鎳原子仍在矽(111)表面上,其表面形貌主要為,矽(111)-(7×7)、原子團、鎳矽1×1-RC和NiSi2(B)(鍍量超過1.4 ML才會出現),並藉由STS得知,鎳矽1×1-RC的電性頗為類似N型半導體,而NiSi2(B)類似於金屬電性。Item 鈷在銀/鍺(111)-c(2×8)及鈷在銀/鍺(111)-(√3×√3)及(4×4)表面的結構衍化(2012) 徐仲俞; Hsu,Chung-Yu我們利用歐傑電子能譜(Auger electron spectroscopy,AES)、低能量電子繞射(low-energy electron diffraction )來深入探討銀在鍺(111)-c(2×8)及鈷在銀/鍺(111)-(√3×√3)R30°及(4×4)隨著不同退火溫度下表面的結構衍化。 室溫下,銀原子在鍺(111)的成長模式為層狀成長之後再以三維島狀的Stranstri-Krastanov (SK) mode。室溫蒸鍍不同鍍量的銀在鍺(111)-c(2×8)上並退火到420 K至930 K之間,隨著溫度上升至570 K,超過1 ML的銀原子會退吸附直到剩下1 ML的銀,最後在退火溫度為930 K時,銀原子會完全退吸附。在退火過程中,隨著不同的退火溫度及銀鍍量,銀/鍺(111)的結構,由原本的c(2×8)分別會形成(1×1)、(3×1)、(4×4)或(√3×√3)R30°的結構。 室溫蒸鍍鈷在銀/鍺(111)-(√3×√3) R30°及(4×4)上並退火到420 K至930 K之間,鈷在銀/鍺(111)-(√3×√3)R30°及(4×4)的結構上,在退火溫度570 K時,鈷會形成(√13×√13)及(2×2)的重構,而在退火溫度為650 K和730 K時,鈷都是形成(2×2)的重構,在退火溫度為830 K時,鈷原子會退吸附,此結果顯示鈷與基底不會形成合金。Item 銀覆蓋層對鐵超薄膜在鉑(111)上的磁性影響(2007) 郭明憲; Ming-Hsien Kuo我們以自製的磁光柯爾效應儀(MOKE)探測Ag超薄膜覆蓋於Fe/Pt(111)樣品前後之表面磁性變化,並藉由歐傑電子能譜術(AES) 鑑別樣品表面組成成分、計算薄膜厚度,以及低能量繞射電子儀 (LEED)研究表面結構,利用升降溫系統與離子濺射進行退火效應與深度分析的實驗。 經由在1~3ML Fe/Pt(111)上逐漸覆蓋不同厚度的銀,發現Polar方向的磁性有增強,而Longitudinal方向有減弱的現象,且在Ag覆蓋達1ML之後就無太大變化。藉由離子濺射的過程,觀察磁性及歐傑訊號強度的變化,確認磁性改變的原因來自於Ag-Fe界面效應的作用。 將1ML Ag/1ML Fe/Pt(111)經由不同溫度的退火處理之後,在室溫量測其磁性與歐傑訊號,發現在低於600 K的退火溫度時,由於Fe原子與Pt原子的交換減弱了Ag-Fe介面引致PMA的作用,使得Polar方向的磁性慢慢消失。在退火溫度介於600 K~700 K之間時,由於Fe跟Pt開始形成合金,使得Polar與Longitudinal方向的柯爾訊號及Hc大幅的增加。當退火溫度超過700 K時,由於Fe原子往下擴散到更底層去而Pt原子往上浮出,以及Ag原子逐漸的退吸附,使得Ag-Fe介面的效應變得更弱,導致Polar方向及Longitudinal方向的磁性逐漸消失。Item 鈷原子團在 根號三乘根號三-銀/矽(111)面上聚集分布的研究(2004) 高執貴本文是將鈷蒸鍍在 根號三乘根號三-銀/矽(111)面上,我們利用掃描穿隧顯微儀(STM)來研究鈷在銀所產生的根號三島上聚集與分布趨勢,在不同鍍量與不同溫度下,都出現了特別的現象。 我們分別改蒸鍍了0.9、1.35、1.8、2.25 ML的鈷,發現鈷有往邊緣堆積與鏈狀排列的趨勢,原因是根號三島上有某些區域的電子密度與空域密度特別高而造成鈷聚集。 接著改變不同的溫度,將蒸鍍1.8 ML的樣品加熱處理室溫~ 400 ℃,再降回室溫掃描。經加熱處理100 ℃後,鈷原子團邊緣堆積減少,而且整個根號三島上原子團也明顯變少,推測是鈷與銀相互交換造成。再加熱處理200 ~ 400℃,鈷原子團移動漸漸趨於平衡。 我們在升溫的過程中也發現了一些比較特殊的結構,例如根號三島上有一些突起的島,計算其高度,約是鈷一個單層的高度,研判是鈷鑽入所造成的隆起。我們也發現一些規則排列的三角結構,計算其原子間距,研判不是單純鈷、銀或矽的堆積,由於鈷銀不會有化學反應,也不是鈷銀化合物的堆積,推論應該是鈷矽化合物所產生的堆積。