
Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/73905


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    (2003) 陳文琛
    本文主要是研究微量的Co 在Ge(111)上隨溫度變化。室溫下Co 就會與Ge 發生化合,而且隨溫度增高會出現各種不同現象,所以我們利用掃描穿隧顯微鏡去觀察實數空間下影像的變化。 加熱溫度400K∼965K 後,降回室溫去觀察,在不同的熱處理過程,影像出現一些特徵,對於這些明顯的特徵給予命名。除此之外,我們儘可能去分辨出特徵圖像的結構。 次亮點、小亮點則在每個溫度範圍皆存在,而六角形的小黑洞、具週 期性的島、黑線,分別在500K、700K、965K 接續出現,配合STM圖像的統計分析及相關論文,我們猜測次亮點為Co 堆積表面的三維島、小亮點為雜質,另外在不同溫度下出現的各種特徵,我們猜測六角形的小黑洞為Co5Ge7、週期性的島為錯位堆疊、黑線為表面上的Adatom 鍵結形成的Dimer-row。
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    原子島在金屬/半導體介面的成長研究 (以鈷/銀/鍺(111)為例)
    (2012) 黃筱嵐; Xiao-Lan Huang
    The thermal reaction of Co on Ag/Ge(111)-(√3×√3)/(4×4) phases was studied by scanning tunneling microscopy, low energy electron diffraction, and Auger electron spectroscopy. Firstly, we address on the controversies over the chemical composition of Co islands by examining the thermal reaction of Co on "Ag/Ge(111)-" √3×√3 phase, as well as the coexisting Ag/Ge(111)-4×4 phase. From the study, one finds that Ag atoms shift from (4×4) phase to (√3×√3) phase because of the interaction between Co and the surface. The fact suggests that it is on the surface where Ag-less phase (4×4) transforms into Ag-richer phase (√3×√3). Secondly, we proof that (√13×√13) periodicity is composed of Co-Ge alloy, whereas (2×2) periodicity is composed of pure Co. Thirdly, we realize that it is "Ag/Ge(111)-" √3×√3 preventing Co from diffusing into substrate when annealing the surface at the temperature between 320 K and 730 K. It is known that Co"-" 2×2 islands grown on Ag/Ge(111)-√3×√3 surface are in hcp structure with a (11-20) orientation. The island evolution involves the shape transformation of a unit cell from parallelogram into rectangular. Meanwhile, the shape of the island shifts from hexagonal to stripe. In additions, it is identified that Co-2×2 islands grow along two crystallographic directions: pseudo-[0001] and pseudo-[1-100]. We observe a lateral shift between the topmost and the underlying bilayers for islands which grow along pseudo-[0001] direction. On the other hands, no lateral shift is perceived for those growing along pseudo-[1-100] direction. In terms of the strain–relaxation of Co-2×2 islands grown on Ag/Ge(111)-√3×√3 surface, we analyze the images taken by scanning tunneling microscopy. From the studies, one realizes a common fact that Co"-" 2×2 islands adopt a more compact arrangement than Ge(111) substrate does, whereas each Co-2×2 island is different in the degree of atomic compactness. Yet, we do not observe any distinct relationship between strain–relaxation and the island height. In addition, we identify three different groups of islands from analyzing the correspondence between the strain–relaxation and the island size: (i) small islands (less than 80 nm2) with fixed inter-row distances in high atomic compactness, (ii) small islands with unfixed inter-row distances, and (iii) big islands (bigger than 80 nm2) with fixed inter-row distances in less compact atomic arrangement, as compared to the first two groups. Based on the obtained information, we propose the model that explains the relationship between the strain–relaxation and the island size. Regarding electronic structure, we study "Ag/Ge(111)-" 4×4 phase, "Ag/Ge(111)-" √3×√3 phase, Co"-" 2×2 island, and "CoxGey-" √13×√13 island by means of scanning tunneling spectroscopy at room temperature. Similar to the one acquired from "Ge(111)-c" 2×8, the spectrum obtained from Ag/Ge(111)-4×4 structure reveals a shoulder at 0.7 V, which indicates that Ge adatoms were donated to the electronic states of the Ag-driven phase. However, the electronic spectrum taken from the "CoxGey-" √13×√13 island shows a large number of peaks, which indicates the complex bonding between "CoxGey-" √13×√13 island and the substrate. In addition, the spectra obtained from the Co-2×2 island grown on the step demonstrate a number of peaks at negative sample bias, which is different comparing to those taken from the Co-2×2 island located on the terrace. The phenomenon explains the various Co-substrate interactions, which are accompanied with the growth of Co islands at different areas of the stepped surface.