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    (2014) 陳暐翔; Wei-Hsiang Chen
    Magnetic properties and surface structure of ultrathin Fe/Ir(111) films have been investigated using the surface magneto-optic Kerr effect and low-energy electron diffraction. Layer-by-layer growth of Fe/Ir(111) is observed for the first three monolayers at room temperature. For Fe thinner than three monolayers, pseudomorphic growth of Fe films is observed. The layer distance is close to that of fcc(111) Fe. For Fe thicker than three monolayers, the surface structure can be identified to be related to the bcc(110) arrangement of Fe atoms in Kurdjumov-Sachs orientation. As the Fe thickness increases, the linear increase of the Kerr intensity is observed. The Kerr intensity comes from the bcc-Fe and a thin magnetic dead layer is observed at the interface. The magnetic properties and surface structure of ultrathin Fe/Ir(111) films after high temperature annealing treatment have also been investigated. The Fe atoms diffuse into the Ir(111) substrate to be a FexIr1-x alloy as annealing temperature increases. For annealing temperature between 750 K and 800 K, there is a blocking of the interdiffusion behavior for Fe atoms into the Ir(111) substrate and the existence of the specific concentration of Fe of the FexIr1-x interface alloy which shows a stable state at this annealing temperature region. Combining the experimental results of Auger analysis, LEED patterns and the theoretical calculations, one can conclude that the specific concentration of Fe of the FexIr1-x interface alloy at the stable state is Fe0.5Ir0.5 as annealing temperature between 750 K and 800 K. For 5~9 ML Fe/Ir(111) films, a layered structure of Fe/FexIr1-x/Ir(111) could be obtained after high temperature annealing treatment. The surface of this layered structure becomes flatter after the high temperature annealing treatment. The structure of the top Fe films can be identified to be related to the bcc(110) arrangement of Fe atoms in Kurdjumov-Sachs orientation, however, strained by the underneath Fe0.5Ir0.5 interface alloy since this interface alloy is also strained by Ir(111) substrate which leads to the change of the lattice parameter of the unit cell of Fe bcc(110) at the surface from 0.248 nm to 0.272 nm. The surface structure transition between the KS orientation to strained KS orientation for 5~9 ML Fe/Ir(111) at annealing temperature from 300 K to 700 K have also been investigated. For annealing temperature less than 550 K, the KS orientation shows low periodicity. The periodicity of this KS orientation gets better as annealing temperature increases and become stable as annealing temperature larger than 700 K. Finally, the structural, compositional and magnetic phase diagram of Fe/Ir(111) is constructed. For Fe film thinner than 3 ML at annealing temperature between 300 K and 900 K, no Kerr intensity is observed due to the fcc arrangement of Fe films and FexIr1-x alloy. For Fe films thicker than 3 ML, Kerr intensity could be observed owing to the bcc arrangement of Fe films. The coercivity and saturation magnetization enhanced abruptly (higher than Fe/Pt(111) system) after the high temperature annealing treatment which is because of the compositional and structural change of this system.
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    (2011) 曾鈺潔; Yu-Chieh Tseng
    本實驗主要以鉛作為介面活性劑,藉以改變鎳在銅(111)上的成長模式以及薄膜磁特性。實驗中以電化學方式電鍍薄膜,以銅(111)為工作電極、銀/氯化銀為參考電極、白金為相對電極,實驗都在室溫下進行。將銅(111)置於 1 mM HCl + 1 mM NiCl2 水溶液中,利用循環伏安法(CV) step by step 的掃描方式,可以找出鎳成對的吸附、剝離峰電位分別為 E = -950 mV(←)和E = -480 mV(→),藉由控制循環伏安法停留在鎳的吸附電位並改變停留時間,以在銅(111)上鍍上不同厚度的鎳。在滴加少量氯化鉛溶液後,因為鉛的沉積電位在鎳之前,故可以優先沉積在銅(111)上,並與隨後沉積的鎳交換位置,藉由介面活性劑的特性以達到改善鎳成長模式的機制。在電鍍薄膜後,透過掃描穿隧式顯微鏡(STM)觀察鎳鍍在銅上的形貌大致可區分為兩類,第一類是三維島狀成長,可能是鎳銅合金的形貌;第二類是成塊堆疊的形貌,經掃描剝除電位後,仍可看到底層較難剝除的特殊結構,此亦和鎳銅合金有關。配合循環伏安法中需要多次掃描鎳的剝除電位區段才能將鎳的訊號退除,和磁光柯爾效應儀(MOKE)中磁滯訊號變化不同的現象,證實有鎳銅合金的產生。而從磁光柯爾效應儀掃描出的磁滯曲線隨層數的變化中,可觀察到不論有無加鉛,鎳在銅上的沉積皆有磁性易軸由平行膜面轉變到垂直膜面,再回到平行膜面的方向—即自旋重新排列轉變(SRT)的現象發生。最後比較有無加鉛的差異:利用掃描穿隧式顯微鏡的掃描圖計算粗糙度值,加入鉛之後的粗糙度值明顯下降,表示表面趨於平整;而從磁滯曲線中計算矯頑場與方正度,數值也比未加入鉛時高。這些證據都顯示鉛確實具有介面活性劑的功效,能有效改善鎳在銅上的成長模式,同時使該薄膜展現較佳的磁特性。