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    (國立編譯館, 2008-06-01) 張玉山
    本文主要在分析國內外「生活科技」教科書中,科技問題解決的 教材現況,並透過當前科技問題解決教學理論與研究取向,統整提出 功能導向的科技問題解決教材設計模式,以及教材設計的實例,供作 參考。本文經分析結果發現,國內外教科書採用線性科技問題解決模 式為主;並未有學習鷹架的設計;雖有腦力激盪的過程,但少有創思 技術的教學;不重視再設計再製作的創新歷程;綜合討論以結果的發 表與欣賞為主,較少聚焦在經驗建構歷程。本文分析當前相關研究 後,提出功能導向的科技問題解決模式,以界定問題、研究分析、規 劃實作、測試評價、再設計等功能循環為核心,以建構學習、鷹架理 論、及創意學習3 者為教學重點,提出一個「水陸兩用載具設計」的 教學實例,供教科書編寫與教材設計的參考。
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    (2012-10-31) 蕭顯勝
    過往三年,經國科會補助探討數位遊戲對創造力的影響。數位遊戲具備了引發學童 創造力的特性,能讓學童產生心流經驗。因此,根據創造力教學策略與心流理論,配合 課程建置了一數位遊戲學習系統,用以提升學童創造力。以準實驗研究法探討數位遊戲 式學習教學與傳統課堂講授式教學分別對學童在創造力之影響。結果發現,相較於傳統 課堂教學,數位遊戲學習教學能有效地提升學童創造力。 本計畫將上述之研究成果應用將推廣至行動化載具平台,並發展商品化APP 並陳列 於熱門銷售平台以供購買安裝,以推廣科學教育研究成果為商品化之探究。
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    (國立臺灣師範大學教育研究中心, 2004-06-01) 余鑑; 上官百祥; 葉宗青; 王燕超
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    (中國視聽教育學會, 2008-06-01) 余鑑; 楊錦心; 林弘昌; 王燕超; 于瑞珍; 林坤誼; 謝文斌; 黃志燻; 范道明
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    The influence of social factors on pupil’s creativity in design and technology education
    (2006-01-01) Yu, K. C.; Wang, D. M.
    The substance of creativity is increasingly recognised in the school curriculum. Paradoxically, schools highlight a mismatch between the significance of the creative process and what has been practiced in classrooms. Many pupils also have difficulty identifying ideas and constructing prepositional frameworks for technology and design projects. Educators strongly propose that design and technology learning areas should provide pupils with tools to exercise their thinking skills. In this study, a concept maps tool was introduced as a learning environment for enhancing pupil's technology learning and creative thinking skills. A concept can be defined as perceived regularities in events or objects, or records of events or objects, designated by labels. Then concept maps in this study become a useful tool for pupils to organise and to represent concepts and knowledge. According to the literature, concept maps are effective in identifying both valid and invalid ideas held by pupils. One of the powerful uses of concept maps is not only as a learning tool but also as an evaluation tool. A quasi-experimental method with pretest-posttest nonequivalent-control-group design was used to analyse pupils' performance. This paper presents and discusses the influence of social factors in cooperative learning on pupils' creativity and creative learning in design and technology education.