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    (2024) 鍾承澤; Zhong, Cheng-Ze
    學生因有感於近年來企業社會責任與企業永續發展等議題受到廣泛關注,而當今許多企業或品牌因渴求其帶來的正面效益,因此,無不爭相往自己的品牌及產品貼上保護環境、成分天然、社會友善的標籤。我們可以看到在實務上,愈來愈多的產品使用近似,甚至完全相同的廣告詞,作為產品核心論點,使得消費者難以透過這些論點判讀出與重要評量標準有關的正確資訊。本研究正是從消費者心理與行為促成機制的角度,整合推敲可能性模型(ELM),探討企業或品牌提出與善因行銷相關之廣告論點,分析其在不同情境下,如何影響高涉入程度消費者對產品評價的態度。本研究嘗試歸納並提出四種假設的類型,在消費者為高涉入的前提下,探討四種自變數,分別是(1)假設一:廣告訊息中非論點之產品資訊與廣告訊息中之強論點一致/不一致性;(2)假設二:有/沒有中立消費者評論;(3)假設三:高/低客觀知識;(4) 假設四:有/沒有與重要評量標準無關之正向論點,三種干擾變數,分別是(1)假設一:高/低客觀知識;(2)假設二:有/沒有與重要評量標準無關之正向論點;(3)假設四:有/沒有購買時間的壓力,與應變數皆為受測者對產品評價態度之間是否存在差異。本研究共有四個主實驗,使用實驗設計的研究方法,並將主實驗分成九組不同的問卷情境,針對320位受測者進行組間因子的操弄,採用SPSS統計軟體作為分析工具。 在經歷嚴謹的學術研究鞭策,透過文獻探討、問卷設計與統計分析後,研究結果顯示,假設一:H1a-1其假設成立、H1a-2其假設成立、H1a-3其假設不成立、H1a-4其假設成立;假設二:H2a-1其假設不成立、H2a-2其假設成立、H2a-3其假設成立、H2a-4其假設成立;假設三:H3其假設不成立;假設四:H4a-1其假設不成立、H4a-2其假設不成立、H4a-3其假設不成立、H4a-4其假設成立,詳細研究結果請參見第陸章說明。
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    (2011) 林佩君; Montana Nimsrisukkul
    Ordinarily people like to hold the correct attitudes about everything in themselves but sometimes some people immediately change their mind after see the advertising while other doesn’t. What happen to them? And how could that be? Anyway in order to change their minds, they must to endeavor for processing the given information as well as the existing knowledge. According to the Consumer Behavior studies, for example ELM by Petty& Cacioppo in 1986, they have found that people under high involvement condition will be more likely influenced to the strong argument(s) and try to avoid the weak argument, moreover their attitude will be positive. On the contrary, when the arguments are weak, their attitude will be changed to the negative. Later in 2006, Kang and Herr had discovered the new knowledge called “Kang and Herr’s theory”. Their research summarized that under the same condition, the negative attitude will be shown when the advertising is presented the irrelevance between the attractive endorser and target product. That is, people under high involvement condition will be more favorable toward the product when the endorser is an average person than the attractive endorser. In additional Chiu’s study in 2008, she had researched the results of the conflict between ELM (Petty& Cacioppo) and Kang and Herr’s theory by providing the central merit information of the target. Under this condition, the high involvement people will consider the attractive endorser with irrelevant source as bias, in consequence the correction will be ignited. Regarding to the doubt and related researches as mentioned above, this current study will focus on the high involvement people and use the argument strength as the mediator to find out in which situation high involvement people willchange their minds, under 3 different conditions; providing absolutely strong, neutral and absolutely weak arguments in the advertisements.
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    (2014) 邱冠婷; Kuan-Ting Chiu
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    (2016) 張軒妤; Chang, Hsuan-Yu
    行銷手法中常常可以看到以第二人稱(You)的角度來呈現的廣告內容,透過廣告的設計讓消費者模擬自我有關的過去經驗或未來事件,此種引發與自我相關的廣告手法稱之為自我參照廣告。根據本研究搜集實務上的廣告後,發現自我參照廣告經常被運用,但國內有關自我參照的研究與討論卻未受到過多的關注,因此本研究以自我參照廣告為探討,主要目的是瞭解消費者面對「促進焦點訊息」與「預防焦點訊息」的自我參照廣告時,若受到目標框架的操弄而引發正面或負面的預期情緒時,對於訊息處理的方式為何?論點品質的強弱會如何影響對品牌的態度? 本研究採三因子實驗法的方式進行:訊息調節焦點(促進焦點訊息/預防焦點訊息)×目標框架(正面/負面)×論點品質(強論點/弱論點),主要衡量應變數為品牌態度。研究結果顯示如下:(1)調節焦點訊息直接地影響品牌態度(2)促進焦點訊息之下,強弱論點之下的品牌態度並不會有所差異(3)預防焦點訊息之下,強論點之下的品牌態度優於弱論點之下的品牌態度。