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    (2011) 林佩君; Montana Nimsrisukkul
    Ordinarily people like to hold the correct attitudes about everything in themselves but sometimes some people immediately change their mind after see the advertising while other doesn’t. What happen to them? And how could that be? Anyway in order to change their minds, they must to endeavor for processing the given information as well as the existing knowledge. According to the Consumer Behavior studies, for example ELM by Petty& Cacioppo in 1986, they have found that people under high involvement condition will be more likely influenced to the strong argument(s) and try to avoid the weak argument, moreover their attitude will be positive. On the contrary, when the arguments are weak, their attitude will be changed to the negative. Later in 2006, Kang and Herr had discovered the new knowledge called “Kang and Herr’s theory”. Their research summarized that under the same condition, the negative attitude will be shown when the advertising is presented the irrelevance between the attractive endorser and target product. That is, people under high involvement condition will be more favorable toward the product when the endorser is an average person than the attractive endorser. In additional Chiu’s study in 2008, she had researched the results of the conflict between ELM (Petty& Cacioppo) and Kang and Herr’s theory by providing the central merit information of the target. Under this condition, the high involvement people will consider the attractive endorser with irrelevant source as bias, in consequence the correction will be ignited. Regarding to the doubt and related researches as mentioned above, this current study will focus on the high involvement people and use the argument strength as the mediator to find out in which situation high involvement people willchange their minds, under 3 different conditions; providing absolutely strong, neutral and absolutely weak arguments in the advertisements.
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    (2014) 曾韻慈; Yun Tzu, Tseng
    修正行為(Correction Behavior)的相關研究一直都是社會心理學者所重視的議題之一,過去關於修正行為的研究也大多著重在社會心理學的領域。本篇論文將修正行為應用至消費者行為研究領域範圍,並且進一步探討若偏誤為對比效果(Contrast Effect)時,進行偏誤修正之後態度的變化。 本研究假設當受測者擁有偏誤的相關知識時,其會依據自我所察覺到的偏誤程度將可能的偏誤予以排除,而且此修正行為只存在於涉入程度高的受測者中。除此之外,在涉入程度高的情境之下,是否提供受測者偏誤修正提示對其之偏誤修正行為亦有差異。而在涉入程度低或者無給予偏誤修正提示的受測者,即不產生偏誤修正行為,僅有因為對比效果所產生的態度方向改變。 為驗證假設,實驗採組內設計。每位受測者都需要接受兩階段三個部分的問卷,衡量其對目標態度評價的改變。