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Item The mediating effect of dietary patterns on the association between mother’s education level and the physical aggression of five-year-old children: a population-based cohort study(2020-05-15) Wu, Wen-Chi; Lin, Ching-I; Li, Yi-Fan; Chang, Ling-Yin; Chiang, Tung-liangAbstract Background Relatively few studies have investigated the effects of diet on behavior problems among preschoolers, particularly, physical aggression. In addition, children raised by poorly educated mothers usually have a higher probability of developing negative outcomes. Additionally, highly educated mothers have a higher probability of providing more healthy foods for their children. Thus, mothers providing healthy foods might mitigate children’s behavior problems. The study aims to examine whether preschoolers’ dietary pattern, as a manipulable factor, mediates the association between maternal education level and physical aggression. Methods Data came from the Taiwan Birth Cohort Study (TBCS), a nationally representative population-based cohort study, which included 18,513 five-year-old Taiwanese children. Mothers and primary caregivers reported the information on preschoolers’ physical aggression and food consumption at age 5 and maternal education level at age 6 months. Two dietary patterns, namely a healthy diet and a high-fat-sugar-salt (HFSS) diet, were retrieved by exploratory factor analysis. Mediation hypotheses were tested by a series of multiple regression models conducted using the PROCESS macro of SAS 9.4. All models were adjusted for children’s sex, parental marital status, household income, mental distress at age 5 and children’s physical aggression at age 3. Results Maternal education positively linked to healthy dietary patterns (B = 0.014, p = 0.002) which was negatively associated with preschoolers’ physical aggression (B = -0.096, p = 0.013), and it is negatively related to the HFSS dietary pattern (B = -0.042, p = 0.002) which was directly positively associated with preschoolers’ physical aggression (B = 0.123, p = 0.008). The association between maternal education and preschoolers’ physical aggression was partially mediated by preschoolers’ healthy (B = -0.001, p < .001) and HFSS (B = -0.005, p = <.001) dietary patterns, respectively. The R-square of the mediation model is 0.178. Conclusions Preschoolers’ dietary patterns directly associate with their physical aggression. In addition, mothers with poor education may provide less healthy foods and more unhealthy foods to their children, which may increase the level of physical aggression. The results imply partial mediating effects of dietary patterns between maternal education and physical aggression. It is suggested that a parent-based nutritional education program focusing on healthy meal preparation for poor educated mothers might be beneficial for preschoolers’ healthy development.Item 使用生態系統服務衡量紅樹林作為以自然為本的解決方案之潛力—以關渡紅樹林為例(2024) 李沂帆; Li, Yi-Fan當前全球面臨氣候變遷減緩與調適的嚴峻挑戰,其中紅樹林由於提供豐富的生態系統服務,包括儲存碳匯、穩定與緩衝海岸線、淨化水質、提供棲地等功能,被認為深具做為以自然為本解決方案 (NbS)之潛力。但紅樹林自二十世紀下半葉以來,因不同的土地利用競爭,例如水產養殖、土地利用變遷等因素,全球總面積以每年1-3%的速度消失。然而,許多國家在紅樹林復育過程中,發現區域性紅樹林面積過度擴張,又會衍生降低生態結構複雜性、縮減泥灘地面積等環境問題,使紅樹林作為NbS的價值與限制極待深入研究。臺灣關渡紅樹林是東亞重要的都會紅樹林區之一,鑲嵌在大臺北區域發展規劃上。關渡自然保留區自成立三十五年來 (1987-2022),其土地利用隨著不同年代的發展需求而演變,紅樹林面積也隨之變化。土地利用變遷會影響生態系統提供服務的能力,近年因水筆仔紅樹林擴張降低河道通洪能力,並威脅水鳥棲地,而有疏伐的需求。紅樹林疏伐後,當中儲存的藍碳將被重新排放至大氣中,恐加速氣候變遷,不利我國「2050年淨零排放」目標達成。為了解關渡紅樹林的生長與演變過程,本研究蒐集1965年來關渡地區不同時期的航照影像與正射影像圖,利用ArcGIS進行數化,並整合國土利用調查數值資料,建立1965-2021年土地利用數據庫,分析與估計不同時期土地利用的變化。接著,利用InVEST Model以量化分析1965-2021年間不同時期土地利用下的生態系統服務價值,梳理不同土地利用組合下的生態系統服務差異。再以所得數據衡量關渡紅樹林在不同生態系統服務下作為NbS解決氣候變遷的潛力。最後對關渡地區未來環境經營管理提出建議,期望有助於達成減緩與調適氣候變遷與永續發展的目的。